Here's a realy good 'free' 3d modelling tool (easy to use)
khed 3d model editor v1.1.2
Support for:
Wavefront Object (*.OBJ)
3D Studio Model (*.3DS)
MilkShape 3D Binary (*.MS3D)
Half-Life / Source SMD (*.SMD)
Half-Life Model (*.MDL)
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Looks rather neat and certainly an alternative to the large and bloated packages for simple tasks.
Yeh...I think it even opens Halflife 2 models....looks promising.
Its even featured on valves website. <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle" />
This looks useful. Thx.
Another free alternative is a application called VoidWorld. I've heard it compared to Silo a bunch of times which is always a good thing.
<font color=blue></font>
Awesome Sauce.
Belongs in Tools and Resources for future reference.
Tried to move it, but mod powers still a little broken.
But I can't figure out how you are supposed to know how the texture is drawn?