Object: Sprite.
Behavior: Custom Movement.
Effect: Distort, but really it's hard for me to pick.
And don't even get me started on how many takes it took to do this video--I kept dying IN MY OWN GAME. D:
It looks hard, all is okay.
Do you have to continously hop, or do you just do that?
Especially RPG's...
Hahahahaha I'm kidding Platformer/RPG's have been done to death. :I
Action/Adventure/Platformer here.
hell... anything that is ???/Platformer I try to do.
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
My Persist Cleaner is still fun. >:
You don't even have to worry about your engines exploding, just hold onto the up button and you win.
Wouldn't that make sense? If we could simply set max and min values for variables in the UI without having to use events.
Yeah, it would be nice, but I'll just stick to the clamping. :3
But my Application is #1.
it's pretty stupid but I thought it was kinda funny so here you go.
Yeah it is.
I am calling Derek on you. He is going to make you sleep with the fishes. Trust me.
Spelunky is still better.
But Davio did a good job. Fun game... plus...
I am calling Derek on you. Derek on you.
Derek on you.
Oh you... :3
New Spelunky = Possibly this.
I like it...
[1] is born again!
Features: [ul] [li]A HUD that you can tool around with. (Sadly Save&Load Buttons havent been integrated so... the "Control + S" & "Control + L" Keybinds are still used.)[/li] [li]Image Saving & Loading (via Manipulator). Save stuff as images.[/li] [li]Map can be resized to a maximum of 5x5 Screens.[/li] [li]Grid color can be changed, (Grid color isn't stored yet. TODO!)[/li] [li]One new Tileset.[/li] [li]More Lag :D[/li] [/ul] You can move around the grid by pushing the Arrow Keys.[/code:179ktj8b] [url=http://www.box.net/shared/1mda5i9oqy]Download (ZIP)[/url] [url=http://www.box.net/shared/avimyg7y1p]Download (RAR)[/url] Enjoy y'all. Keep watching the Ski's. EDIT: Towerfiends can make mistakes! I accidently packed the out-of-date Source, not the one using the super cool Image S&L features. Sorry :O
Member since 6 Sep, 2009