Towerfiend Demo [1]: Terrain Transitioning

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From the Asset Store
Build your map with these isometric objects and terrains
  • <img src="">

    Old Version:



    New Version:

    Find here.

    Whats the controls?

    Draw blocks with the left mouse button, erase them with the right. Fairly simple.

    Whats the Tileset folder?

    Modify the tiles in it, whilst keeping the magical pink, and you will change the tileset the program will use. You can change this during runtime by pushing "R". Haven't tested this, be sure to check if this isn't the case.

    What does Terrain Transitioning do?

    Makes terrain pretty darn pretty. For a detailed tutorial click the upcoming link.

    Tile/Map-Based Game Techniques: Handling Terrain Transitions

    My GOD!? Saawce ;_;

    Not a question, but it's in the Downloads. Be sure to have 0.99.72 or else you'll get the old "Out of Memory" crash. Oh construct~.

    Random Shout-outs

    I'd like to thank deadeye, for referring me to this awesome technique, and for being an all around awesome help.


    Also wheelchair basketball.

  • Awesome! Nice one!

  • For folks interested in the theory behind this, here's a link:

    When I saw this thread at TIGS I thought I would make a level editor tutorial out of it, but not ten minutes later Towerfiend aka ShakeKirby asked for help on this very topic in chat so here it is I guess.

    I still might make a proper tut out of it, unless SK wants to...?

  • You can do it. I would still be struggling with for each crashes if it wasn't for you.

    Though you can learn from the source.

    (aaagh, didn't even have the for each in start of layout i'm so dumb ;_;)

    Of course, I'll do one if you don't want to.

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  • As I said in chat, this is freakin *****

    Also, pancakes and bumpmapping for the blind.

  • Nice and pancakes.

  • bumpmapping for the blind.

    This should be a feature!

    Hey, David....

  • ive had to remake a whole bunch of tiling engines like this, and not to mention each object being a sprite is rather slow. there really should be an optimized "tile" object, with the ability to do this and exist in huge numbers without much slow-down compared to using sprites.

  • This example is HOT!!!

  • ive had to remake a whole bunch of tiling engines like this, and not to mention each object being a sprite is rather slow. there really should be an optimized "tile" object, with the ability to do this and exist in huge numbers without much slow-down compared to using sprites.

    I would love to see this feature in Construct.

  • using this technique for my iso engine

  • Was going to give a try at setting this up on a distort map via U, and V positions.

    But it seems it would be terribly limited by how many rows, and columns you can have. Bleh, blah tile size = vertex size.

  • Towerfiend Demo

    [1] is born again!

    	[li]A HUD that you can tool around with. (Sadly Save&Load Buttons havent been integrated so... the "Control + S" & "Control + L" Keybinds are still used.)[/li]
    	[li]Image Saving & Loading (via Manipulator). Save stuff as images.[/li]
    	[li]Map can be resized to a maximum of 5x5 Screens.[/li]
    	[li]Grid color can be changed, (Grid color isn't stored yet. TODO!)[/li]
    	[li]One new Tileset.[/li]
    	[li]More Lag :D[/li]
    You can move around the grid by pushing the Arrow Keys.[/code:179ktj8b]
    [url=]Download (ZIP)[/url]
    [url=]Download (RAR)[/url]
    Enjoy y'all. Keep watching the Ski's.
    EDIT: Towerfiends can make mistakes! I accidently packed the out-of-date Source, not the one using the super cool Image S&L features. Sorry :O
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