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  • This must be like a worldwide break your foot week or something, I just broke the front half of one of my toenails off.

    Oh well, hope it heals like fast and stuff.

  • I think it's about 4100px in each direction actually. The old Phys-Box used a 4000x2000 layout, and worked fine.

  • Yeah, though it may be easier to use the new HTTP object, you could essentially make a chat with PHP/ASP.

    It's not really the optimal way though so Python sockets is still the better option until I finish that Online plugin I've been dropping buckets of hints about.

    It's worth noting that either way, you're going to need a host for the chat (be it a PHP/ASP server, or a PC which handles the custom chat host). Unless of course it's P2P, but that's not really a 'chat' .

    That's true, I'm not really doing it for the efficiency though - more like a "Because I can" thing. Sort of like the MacBook Air.

  • It's not necessary to uninstall older versions, although if you are encountering problems at all it may be a good idea to remove it completely then reinstall the latest version.

  • Heh, you answered a question I was about to ask, Rich.

    I was working on doing that very same thing that the text manipulator does using system text events and it was rather hard to work out. (I remember back at the start of high school I could do it easily with QBasic and now I'm having trouble doing it with Construct... am I going forwards or backwards?)

    Well that was definitely helpful. Thanks, Rich.

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  • Or PHP could be used, if you know how (I'm thinking about it too >_>)

    The gist of my idea is make it add the message by accessing "send.php?m=" & MessageBox.Text - and that page uses $_GET["m"] to get the message and add it to a database (I could, and probably should, use an array but I only really started PHP, never went far past SQL).

    Then, every ten seconds or so (or on a manual click limited to once every five seconds to prevent sidetrack DOS attacks) it downloads "readmsg.php" which returns the last fifteen messages in a format that the application then parses into the message bank.

    Of course I'd have to sanitize the inputs and the like too.

    However, using PHP to do it like this I could add certain other functions like username/login use, web control panels and even direct web access (which kind of negates the point of an external exe) to the chat.

    At least that's the idea, I know I could probably do it but I'm not sure if I can be bothered. Plus it's a bit hacky but according to Rich (or was it Ashley? I'll have to find that post D: ) it should work, because apparently the download object gets the output of the PHP script.

    Anyway, all the PHP stuff you'd need to do it that way can be learned easily at W3Schools and doesn't cost anything. The biggest problem you could possibly encounter would be finding a host that would let you do it without charging you a fair amount.

  • That's really how I thought it should be, Rich.

    However if you do it (I see you hinting) then you should include an action to "Send value" and event for "On value received" - so you can code online events easily that way, along with letting the behavior send its updates.

    Also, in the behavior settings, allow configuration of what data to update - Position, Private Variables, Animations, and Behavior data (from other behaviors).

  • After I found CGTextures that's really all I use. If I need something they don't have, I'm happy to trawl through a Google Image Search.

    However, PlanetRenders.net has a few sprite sheets from existing games if I remember correctly.

  • The example shows it as it is.

    Create a Canvas with your terrain. Create a separate Sprite (for example, in worms, a bazooka hole) which will be erased from the canvas.

    Use 'Paste into canvas' with this sprite, then Update collision mask. A hole will be made in the terrain and can be collided with/into.

    Another note is that the "Paste into Canvas" uses that objects X and Y values, so you need to have an instance of the object where you want it to be pasted. A good idea, if you're using a mask with say a bullet, is to add the mask object to the bullet objects container, and add an event to place the mask object at the bullets position. Alternatively, use "On Bullet overlaps Canvas" -> "Bullet: Create Object 'Hole' at Image point 0" or wherever to erase it.

  • The Image Manipulator object should have values for Red, Green, Blue, and Alpha at variable X and Y values on the image. Possibly also be able to set these values via the object.

    In this way I could have Worldlike load the arrays from .pngs <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" />


    Hey looks nice and clean. Very simple yet very effective. My only suggestion is to do something with the background, maybe a 45� interlacing over the gray just to break it up yet still keeping it simple.

    You mean scanlines? Yeah, I was thinking the background was a bit plain. I was thinking of adding a gradient across the top but I probably won't.

    I did a website for a bunch of old friends not too long ago. I no longer maintain the site, but I think it has held up well enough. http://www.thedisciplesquartet.com

    If you comment, go easy on them. They're just an unassuming christian music group and never hurt anybody.

    Looks pretty good, aside from perhaps the size of the buttons but I'm a small-text kind of guy.

  • Well, I'm damn sure I'm not the only person here who experiments with HTML or some other web-based language every now and then, so we should probably have one place to put our non-Construct-related webwork.

    My latest experiment is a little gore thing I did last night while I was bored. See it at http://mdgames.rack111.com/index.html.

    I really need to find a better, more permanent host sometime. For now that one will work (I have heard good things about newsit.es as far as free hosting goes, but their register page seems to be broken right now - I could swear it's worked fine for me before).

    Comments? Criticism? Suggestions?

    (Also the links on that one are functional and both games have threads somewhere in My Creations)

    Also, the splatters are from http://www.cgtextures.com/

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Drew Carey

Member since 9 Jan, 2008

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