> Ok guys, finished!
> <img src="http://i166.photobucket.com/albums/u86/Kaosjkm/Finished.png">
> I'll probably be posting this in the other thread as well, when I get around to it.
although its nicely rendered for an anime character, your colour ramps are very boring/ugly colours. try using less linear ramps and hue shifting to cooler colors as you get into the more shadowed parts of the ramp, and warmer as you get into the highlights. also realize that you should NEVER, EVER render gold with a simple brightness decreased yellow ramp, it comes off as some weird greenish stuff, and its a really ugly color, i opened up your file in paint shop pro, palletized it, and changed up all the colours to show you what i mean with all this. i also through in a contrasted version of mine in case you wanted to see it in a well, more contrasted tone.
(its an animated gif, wait for the frames to load)
<img src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1010927/girlsprites.gif">
also the rendering on the skirt is very odd and showing a ton of banding. i made some minimal edits to it as well, and don't be afraid to borrow colours from different ramps for use in other areas,
I took most of the colors straight off of refrerence pics of said character-- Even I thought the shades were bland. I even complained in chat about how freakin similar the hair and the skin was in color, lol.
But yeah, thanks for the advice though, and I will keep this in mind for my future projects.