thanks for the fast replies:
when reading i have the hope that while dx8 is out of the debate theres
a possibility for support of earlier dx9 versions ?
or another partly solution like the one Arima is talking about ?
one thought i got is explaining abit of my own view:
having played on new and old hardware i often appreciated game studios that
implemented backwards compatibility to some degree and support for several
i guess most of us have bought more than one console because system exclusive titles.
or installed another operating system for roughly the same reasons.
we would agree that theres a level where to decide if (backwards-) compatibility is needed, and
where its simply an addon to please a low percentage of people compared to the amount of work.
while i respect other opinions i personaly wouldnt develop dx10 only titles nor games
that only run on multicore cpus or vista/win7.
to summarize: i benefited from game studios with longterm support and backwards compatibility.
so its not really a question for me to go this way, more of what tools are available to achieve it :/
or what compromise is needed.
"When running a construct game without the proper directX files, it will prompt you to install it and pressing OK will take you right to the page, making it even easier to upgrade"
yes i saw that, great feature.