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  • Well some of the battle formula would be something like player.power+ skill.power Its a way to not have to remember what each does and two player power will increase as his level goes up

    But yeah id love to learn what you know.

  • Thx you you just got me an idea instead of array why not a bunch of function to do the hard work. And then use a variable power during each turn. and making sure to erase that at the end of the turn so that it doesn't double up.

  • Here is what I know so far. Please correct me on this. So i made several flow chart array and stuff. I got some forumula on how the skill modifer and pokemon attacks will work. But I know how to make the dam game from a static view such as attac punch kick with ease. but you all know that in a pokemon like world there is skill set as well as pokemon stats and their crazy ass forumla. Right now i am just doing it simple.

    So heres my real question how do i get the game to know that when I use fireball. To pull data from the array such as this the power of it and the type of it. With a smart picking feature so that i am not having to create an event for each skill alone but rather pick the skill name from teh array and use it instead of tell which coor of the array. Basically trying to convert 20 event down to least 1.

    One more thing I am trying to make it to where when i use let say the first button could be either fireball or waterball so id like to use smart picking of the variable to draw from array skill set.

    And if theres a proper way to do it. Id like to know because ATM theres no one on it. The reason why its not popular is because no one is willing to teach it. I think theres a huge market for it. But without teaching how in the hell are we suppose to make such things.

  • ok sorry i didnt read correctly. you can do one sprite and then do a bunch of animation for one sprite just make sure you label things correctly. And why do you need to do 493 of it? why not 50 for start and just push that out on to the market and just update it each 50 at a time.

  • You could do one sprite player and use 493 frame just make sure that the animation isnt running. also If you had them in a single file you could convert it to GIf or sprite sheet font and do import file from sprite sheet and choose the sprite size and it will populate the frames its real handy to do.

  • Really ? then that should be explained because what if some browser doesn't support that.

  • Ok so apparently if you use the event Mouse left click on button. It does nothing....... you cant make it destroy an object.

    But if you use button on click it work wonderfully. I am a bit confuse to why that is ? arent they the same thing. Could some one explain what is going on here. I was using the mouse behavior for when i need to change the object to something other then button like a text for example later on since im working on the mechanic first before the art.

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  • Yeah the best way is the tilemap do your self a favor and find the most common sprite block and make a tilemap of it and then forge the tiny block into mini lego pieces and paint where you want it just like plumbling lol

  • Yeah the best way is the tilemap do your self a favor and find the most common sprite block and make a tilemap of it and then forge the tiny block into mini lego pieces and paint where you want it just like plumbling lol

  • Have you tried the fade out behavior its has a built in destroy you could do is when death animation ends start fade out to destroy. or you could add in a death animation of one frame after death to use for the fade to destroy.

  • can you explain what you mean, Such as is it geography location you want real time nights. or do you want a look outside of window to be like night time.

  • I have it set up to change the tilemap where my player is to a tile set to 1 from previous 0. How do i revert the tile set after he passes through sort of like grass walking.

    I do not know what i need to change it back ? i figure its in the invert overlapping the tilemap that has tileset =1 but how do i tell it to change it to 0 when not overlapping.

    I kinda wish there was an option like If not overlapping tilemap and it is on tile set 1 --> change to 0

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