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  • ok So i am using two pathfinding behavior one for spawned sort like RTS where you gotta build the Unit and it goes to the rally point of access.

    And the other for select and mouse movement click place ment. Now this part is odd. I can get the spawn one to pathfind the rally and move flawlessly. And I did clear the pathfinding once arrived.

    I did add in a selected target sprite to overlap the unit when created. And then when i go to right click the spot where i placed a sprite for the unit to pathfind into.

    Now this part is weird as hell. I checked the Debug on the pathfinder.....Spawn work and cleared. The Mouse click movement is showing it's path is found and claim that its moving. But the speed remain at zero and is not moving at all.

    Both pathfinder behavior is unchanged and has the same variable stat. Sooooo what is going on do i need to post a capx or has someone encounter this before.

    (solved) you can delete this post I found out that when i was using overlapping behavior I sent it in an infinite looping of finding the path which would cause it to try to find but alway finding and not moving.

  • A brief idea for the game. If you are a fan of warcraft Shipyard where there was no gameplay at all. Well I want to create something like what World of warship did. I know its basically a Car plug in on water.

    I am currently stuck on the enemy warship I can make it fire to me that done. Now its the path finding or moving toward me you know turning around and keeping distance.

    Atm I would like the enemy warship to Pathfind to an object and move to ward it because every (5) sec I am moving that object to a different spot on the map to sort of give it a intelligence behavior to move on its own.

    But I cannot figure out how to get it to move toward it It just sit there am i missing a particular event ? And How does one make it when it discover you it. It start to move and keep distance and flee when its low on health. And what about keeping up with chase even if you run around the rock let say keep myself in line of sight for an extra 4 sec ?

    Ok so I figure that it had to be bullet inorder for it to happen. I have a new problem because of ship arent square. It get stuck in every corner or the map Is there any way to make it not get stuck or have it unstuck itself ?

  • Define random position? like whole layout or like special places to respawn kinda like counter strike?

    If whole layout you can do something like Onstartlayout--> move player to Random X , Y. And if i remember correctly you had to also do something like Min max X value and Y value of your layout to prevent spawning outside of layout.

    If you want specific but special place to respawn at you can create a bunch of sprite and label then spawn A, spawn B, spawn C, etc to how ever you want and then you can do something like global variable spawn point=0 and then do something like onstartlayout->global variable Choose number (1,2,3,..etc)

    Another event for each spawn such as If 2 is chosen then move to spawn B.

    And then after that under it i would add If global variable is >0 then make it equal to 0 so that it doesnt lock up the player to that spawn point only.

    I prefer the specific spawn point but random because you can effective choose where to spawn and not have to worry about too many bugs.

  • I get what you want make a new variable a global one called Lives let say you have three lives so onstart of main game layout make it three.

    And run this for death, On destroyed then sub event If player has more then 0 lives then restart the layout and another sub event If player lives = 0, this is your choice Either use a game over to restart or do a go to main menu.

    Is this what you asking for ?

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  • ok i tested both of your idea and they work i just had to add alot of extra sprite block and overlapping block.

    For those that would like to know I used one Wind helper sprite that changed gravity to negative and then I added a solid block at the peak. Added a sprite that (disable)solid behavior block when in the wind overlapping stage. and then I added a another sprite above the solid piece to revert the gravity back to normal and set that to LittleStain code and return the solid piece to (enable) solid behavior.

    It look like its bouncing but this is as close as i am gonna get due to the nature of the code.

    But really I was pulling my hair out at to why contruct was giving me a hard time. I remember contruct is as smart as the code and as dumb as the programmer....yeah

  • ok so in my platform I want something like a jump trampoline but instead of it being a rubber bounce I would like to do some thing like an upward wind draft that carries you upward sort like a Fan blowing underneath.

    I cannot fine any example that been done and how would i go about that one ?

    Ok update: I figure out that i had to reverse gravity with an overlapping object using negative number

    and i figured that I needed to reset the gravity if not overlapping but I have to ask how can i "float" at the peak atm its just glitching up and down out in a weird pixelated

  • I remember something I had ran into was when i created a layer below the canvas original layer it bug out on me like that I remember to lock that one layer and do not add a layer below it.

  • Have you used a spawn variable ? such as For every X distance Add one to spawn and run a command something like if spawn > 0 then create object and then decrease one from spawn. or you can even create something like for every X distance use variable Green ship spawn and one for Blue ship spawn.

    So that the spawn variable act as a trigger and the Spawn > 0 act a trigger for you ?

  • I am doing this form as well One Tip ive found is place your animation "feet" in the edit image to the bottom of the frame and make them all the same size prefer something like 32x32 or 32x64 or 64x32 just something in 32s and you will have to reedit the origin point a dozen times to get it sync up with the new sprite pinned.

  • Ok,

    so i recently updated the program to 219 or what ever the lasted. I have notice that when i show collision on object I now see it appear on tiled background type. And I was wondering Is it possible to filter out what to show because I'm using it to test out where collision are and such and tiled background do not need to have it since in this it just art on background nothing fancy.

    And really its hard to tell which red line belong to object when you got a a lot of tiled background for a platformer. I know I can use layer filter but I kinda need the art to show so that I can quickly see if there a clipping art that is Z ordering is off.

    And can i delete collision boundary off of tiled background ?

  • Have you tried using global variable such as create object ( card) +1 to global variable and then set that variable to global.

    And using the On created trigger to set the variable to new global. And then you can use mouse with a variable in it as like If mouse is overlaping card -> get card id variable

    And then If click over card sub event here Pick object base on variable mouse variable = card variable.

    I had the same problem when I was doing rpg battle it was hard to get contruct to know which is which. I used this method and what you know it fixed it at least for five enemies that is.

  • I rather use like animation and adjust the speed for the time frame of 2 sec. Its how im doing explosion of circles.

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