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  • i did not know variable counted as an event. Possibly suggest to add in the box exceed to include "100 events and Variables". Thus you dont encounter my clones again ?

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  • So I wanted to create a game from the free version and see how far i can go with a 100 event. And strangely The count is at 84 and I get a (you exceed your 100 event ) .... And i am left wondering where did the other 16 event go ? why can i not do this self challenge. Is there a bug in the free version counter ? after all i did go through alot of deletion and addition.

    Is there any fix i can do to resume other then obtaining my license. Because i feel like this is fairly unjustified against free version of when you told us we had 100 event to do. And if you do think its still working then Where can i find the sixteen event leech bug event so i can continue onto my adventure.

  • ok here is what I'm stuck on I have one sprite Call wooden box and when you destroy it, it will spawn a loot.

    Now i want to add in random loot.

    The problem is when i have multiple wooden box to destroy it will spawn both item instead of just one to spawn.

    My question is this is there a Condition that allows me to let the code work individual for each new sprite instead of looping it all to that one same sprite causing my code an spawn object to change every time i kill a new box

  • Omg i did not know that sort of event existed saved me a few gray hairs thx you

  • the object of the game is to harvest node and then sell it to merchant and I cannot get the least List and dialogue to function correctly because it is letting the "dot dot dot" (buy/sell list) being the same as "buy" as well as the "dot dot dot" (herblist) on the buying option.

    I cannot see where i went wrong and if i did how do i make it correctly when selected the buy option you get to the Buying menu not on "dot dot dot " Same for the "herblist list" because it is gamebreaking and its clearly a bug that i do not want to see in my final form.

  • Ok so i am using list dropdown menu for materials to buy and when i go to If Grass is picked then buy grass with gold.

    The problem is I Set the item name on first one (assuming that its item 0 ) "..." and The next item to "grass"

    My event is still allowing you to buy grass on "..." instead of Grass itself. I tried every thing possible that i could think of.

    Am i misunderstanding how list really work? If so please do so correct me because ive looked everywhere to solve this problem.

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