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  • have you explored other alternation to achieve the similar effect. I once played a game where once you went into the house It black out the outside and created a like stand alone area perhap loading a house layout of where the house is and mimic the floors in like a z order / using invisible area to visible / teleporting.

  • Isn't that what Overwolf the overlay app does i mean it doenst have youtube but you can browse in the youtube site and it is an overlay feature

  • holy cow that is one awsome engine i saw the demo and it is perfect for what i was looking for Quick question is that only for the paid version or can i buy the add-on onto the freeware version. Id like to try to sample on how to do it before i start un-raveling a giant project.

  • Im sorry the link isnt possible or i didnt think link was ban. Anyway the Korean game call Ever Planet and that the game that i would want to somewhat create.

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  • I know its is a link to youtube. If you watch it a bit you can see that the player moves on a small scale planet but it look dynamic fun on how the Terrain moves and behave in a such way you are on a planet.

    I just want to know how is this possible ? It is the first time that i have seen such a thing and I would like to know if construct 2 is capable of this. If it is? How so do we create such a world because i have some awesome ideas for a game based on this feature Watch the world and see how they warp as if you are on a moon. this is pretty cool

  • If i recall some of the older pc game with new gamepad Id use an emulation of the keys so perhap you can use set of keys for the emulation software to be on such as a deactived / Active event with a alternation style for keyboard user. I don't think its possible but then again i do see Wii U port so perhaps possible but id still suggest two style of playing one for keyboard/ mouse and one for twin stick.

  • Are you trying to achieve something like RPG battle speed such as FInal fantasy ten ?. If so it sound like you need to get some math geek to do it.

  • hey Sqiddster question how did you do it in the animation because if i remember correctly only sprite animation default 0 is shown on the edit placement. How were you able to be able to control it with ease without looking like a weird painting. I want to know because i want to apply that knowledge in future games.

  • While were on topic on the 'Or' I question this logic let say if you need A+B=C or A+D=C instead of creating two event for the same outcome we really need A+B or D = C. Have you brought it up to the creator because i once was able to do this but i cannot figure out how i was able to do it.

    Because in many puzzle like game being able to be flexible in how you decide makes the content a bit fresh and user friendly controlled instead of Master game only.

  • ok i solved it ... by adding in two Lever ....To go this far is pretty weird. Never the less it made my game look better lol

  • Eeerrrr I cannot do the once while true ? says that I cant have space bar as release ? that doesn't make any sense

  • So i am making a layout where inorder to access the 2nd side of the map you need to go through a portal and press Space on released.

    Now i used the same coding for the other portal so its like this Portal A ----> Portal B with space release and then Portal B---->Portal A with space release.

    Apparently these event are looping on space release. I even rename the sprite created two different sprite and created two different animation frame to have the condition to check.... IT still looping what gives ?

    Another thing i need to point out is that yes i can go Portal A to portal B but apparently the game thinks to do Portal B to Portal B.

    And yes i did test with two different button press and it work fine. My question is why is it not working with just space release for both ? even if the condition are different. Is it a bug ?

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