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  • So i am writing a very simple string with multiple variable to get. How do i put in spaces in between the variable string. such as this

    Set text: Object.UID & Object.UID

    Between those two id like to add in a space Is there some kind of special character or form that i need to do or add ?

    And yes those are examples not the real code and no i am not going crazy lol or yet that is.

  • yeah that part is confusing. what he did was that he made teh sprite boxes I think it was 32 by 32 pixel big and he duplicate the frames in the animation frame. as in the first animation frame right click and hit duplicate frame until you get the desire frame.

    When you open the sprite edit you should have three menu. the main edit which currently show the current frame. the animation clip line menu

    and the Frames of the animation clip line. It is in the frames of the animation clip line where you would need to place the items.

    If you cant locate the Animation Frames I can provide pic to ya real quick

  • Yeah i am also seeing the same thing I think somewhere the code got deleted and shifted everything over either that or the website server got fucked

  • have you tried variable number such as this upon collision set variable to 2. and then do if variable = 2 then add the action you want and repeat the next variable number for each action. think of the variable like pages each variable represent the next action to be perform in the same time frame.

  • There an awsome tutorial the zelda rpg inventory here that can do basically the same selector There will be alot of X and Y math that we will have to figure out.

    AS for the button press when near is that you can do a overlapping sprite condition with the button is down.

    And for the the certain amount of times. you would have to have a global variable for each item and set it to the max number of available quantity.

    But I am thinking that you would want the shop to have a recharge effect so that after time passes you can revisit shop to get more of the items. This part i do not know how to do it.

    basically The shop you want is just an inventory with cost to buy from. So again go look at the zelda rpg inventory tutorial here : ... e-easy-way

    Now i have a question for you, I did look at the awsomenaut shop picture, do you want the shop to be pull up as like an overlay while the background fades like as in like a layer effect or do you want to do a new layout with the shop. and just switch back n forth. The reason is why i am asking because there is a whole new set of code between the two.

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  • can you give some direction in how you want the ingame shop to be like ? Ive seen alot of different kind. Knowing what kind you want might help us to helping toward the direction you would like to do ?

  • hey if you are still developing this there a bug with your behavior the on sprite menu where you have default values are at I could not change any default values or behavior to reflect the new behavior value. such as this on the default value of the behavior i set it as 4 -way the sprite is still doing directional yet when i do on start layout ---set to 4 way it works.

    Is there something messing up not allowing me or perhap other from changing default value without doing on start?

  • Else

    Run if the previous event did not run. Note that this condition does not pick any objects: if it follows an event that picks objects, in the Else event all instances revert to picked again. Else can only follow normal (non-triggered) events. It can also follow another Else event with other conditions to make an "if - else if - else" chain.

    yeah i just recreated your example and I think the For each is not going to help you at all i disable the for each and the code works somewhat. I cant figure out either on how the heck to separate the sprites after using destroy function. The better question is what action are we trying to create. There may be other options to use beside function.

  • yeah i can see how your example LittleStain would help in some ways i like that shift + example but i am rather confuse on how to input the variable for the movement ? i suppose i can just use the variable number and then convert it into a word's variable and do code base on what the word says. even then that is alot of event to track. I would hate for a bug to crawl from that lol

    so after fiddling around with the 8 directional action event that we are given, I just found it easier to put start ignoring input and stop ignoring is for the best to use.

    But still if you were to code the 4 way directional and then put in the stop moving when up and right are pressed the same time. You would see a dragging going upward id like to know why that is the case ? Im pretty sure you can code that in pretty quick if not i can do it

  • I get how to do the directional and turn sprite and animation.

    what i want to make the player only move in one direction such as left, up, right, down.

    And if the player press two or more button the same time do not move. The codes works for the up+down=stop moving that works. the Left+right=stop moving works.

    What is strange is that Up+right = stop moving does not work because even though the sprite animation stop moving yet the sprite is slowly being dragged upward.

    And the same happens when i press down Left How can i fix that I tried setting the speed to 0 yet it still drag itself upward or downward.

    Could this be a bug or is there something else going on that i cannot see

  • oh ok Thx for clearing that up now.

  • Steps to see this Create a bullet behavior and look at debug menu find the one that has Distance travel. You will see that construct is calculating constantly the Distance travel of the bullet.

    I wish to disable the construct engine from Calculating the Distance on some object. So that the construct two program engine doesn't break things when the calculating gets too large of a number for some things to handle. Mainly just to help with performance on things

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