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  • hi guys its been a long time since i was back here and stuff

    I have a problem I am trying to create a simple function code for my battle scene similar to most 2d RPG has it and right now its going to have a battlefield with a side view and I have it set up for a random chance of encountering from 1 to a max of 5 enemy and i have the spawn of the enemy just right with the function and positioning on its own.

    My problem is this During the selection scene for attacking or selecting party member And yes i would rather not use menu selecting. I cannot get my Selection target to be over the sprite heads by 64 pixel and to go to the next sprite using a family system so that I do not have to recreate the Selection for every single monster that i add in.

    This is just for the first monster my code works To position to the family "Monster.Y-64" again that work for just one but i cannot move the selection to the next one and also the monster are at different X coor and Y coor

    Is there some kind of varible event system combo that I am not doing right here ? I am at lost to what to try?

    I did try to look at other example but either they have just one enemy or they don't have a similar field that i am trying. If you need games example i can try to find one that has it

  • Is there a way to make this darker on my screen its impossible to see it on the extremely white screen during editing

  • Rory I think i know what you talking about. But I never did use array in that way. and you gave me an idea Is it possible then If i could grab the specific UID of the spawn location ? Another question is that IF i do end up doing a destroy function the location of the spawn Will it affect how the UID is counted ? And If I am reading this right How would i go about clearing UID and doing a hard reset.

    Sorry Rory But i havent done that scale and I would like to see examples on If and how to implement it. I been following the basic tutorials. And i do not think there is one i can follow.

  • thing is the dungeon will be multi-story with a final layer to miniboss and id like to have the player to have access to prievious layer but id also like to have random level layout and have it seem alway different everytime they go in so that the player can’t use a guide to beat my game in 5 hrs or something and to provide alway something new to last for hours

  • thing is the dungeon will be multi-story with a final layer to miniboss and id like to have the player to have access to prievious layer but id also like to have random level layout and have it seem alway different everytime they go in so that the player can’t use a guide to beat my game in 5 hrs or something and to provide alway something new to last for hours

  • How would i go about to doing that one ? Ok so i did a test run with your idea. I didnt work. It did indeed spawn but It should only spawn that layer not the other layer as well. This is hell trying to figure out to spawn it correctly

    Btw I am having another problem the Mplacement tile is not correctly checking. Like it work fine for the first level but when I go to pick level 2 layer It won't Use the next set of three. It like the code is in love with the first three?

  • Ok i get that I need global variable of say 3 and each spawn decrease that amount by 1 until 0. I understand that perfectly.

    Its this next part that I am having trouble I want each of the monster to spawn on its own Square tile that I place Such as Mplacementtile times 3 which should result in each monster place on the tile once three times. Problem is that when dealing with layers such as level one or level two with layer effect. I do not see or know how to tell the stupid Object to delete the invisible when the layer is invisible. As i understand Even If the object is on the layer has been turn invisible Is actually still visible According to the engine. So i cant get rid of the excess Mplacement tile.

    In other word I Am trying to see a way to cutdown on both CPU from excess "visible" layer invisible object. So I am trying to get the spawn code to work so that I can just spawn the monster instead of placing Thousand of them with hundred of layer And not looping a destroy for every stupid layer. If there a way to do this with just spawn only three monster Id like to know

    If you need me to do picture to explain it better

    Update: I found that one of my code that was hidden away was destroying the sprite after it was created move along I feel really dumb

  • MadSpy so question will the code go to 6/5 ? or will construct not let it do that and reset ?

  • Thank you RayKi and ThomasP I never thought that global layer would be a thing that trick is perfect for hud and menu editing so that your not constantly having to find it on the same layout

  • ThomasP That is close but The thing is when you play an rpg do you want your layout to keep restarting everytime you open up a menu to check on inventory quest and others blah blah blah stuff.

    And im going to try to do RayKi suggestion first ill post back when It works or if i will have more trouble

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  • First question is that is it better to use one sprite that has all the different type of monster in it or to have different sprite for each new type of monster? Especially on a style where there is most likely a dungeon theme with one type of monster with boss at the end.

    2nd question: I developed this perfect menu during game-play But its on a different layout then the current game layout. How can I switch between the layout keeping the character position relatively the same when exiting the menu state.

    Is there an easy code to do that or will I be better off redoing it all into layers since My main game will have multiple layer anyway.

  • that weird when i tried it before it didnt let me. and i tried again after your reply it work perfect. Thank you for your help I thought it was going to be some special character that i needed.

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