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  • well the groups systems so that i could turn off the events from triggering. And while i love to use function Its just really confusing on how to do it right. In the past i would have it down but only to realized that because i would have different effects that i would need and even having different sprite I don't think I can make use of function as effective as a Group event. and I feel like group event allow me to see where my bug or problem is at.

    Another concept I am trying to explore here is that let say someone down the line maybe me or a friend or some troll on the internet wants to have a party consist only four character and you have 50 character to choose from as well as their class stat character stat personal stats. Id like to start to explore that possiblility.

    The idea behind my concept is that what if I can use family and overlapping effect to reduce the code for such system so that all I or the person would have to do is just to link the Stats page for each "Active" character and enemy

    And the problem is its very easy to do single character turn base rather then multiple character. Currently there is no tutorial for that at all. I did take a look at your example its kinda a weird concept but you are only running one character per turn. Unless if you mean to tell me to do Four single turn base which is what I am not wanting to create. Kyatric

    and the idea here is that If i can make it work in multiple character then Ill release it in the tutorial for a more advance rpg turn based.

    If you can see where I can use function to further reduce the amount of line of code or cleaning up bug possibilities event then please do so because I cannot seem to grasp. Although one thing I never tried was doing function with a function. Is that possible ? or is that too much ?

    Update 10/26/2015: ok so i recently tried to do an event for the four character individual yes that mean four event for each UID. Contruct 2 engine Refuse I mean REFUSE to do the next character now. And i even use set text to see which group was active......and it working perfectly as far as setting group up n shit and the Event runs once but when i switch to the next group with the similar event It refuse to go further. ? is it because the pick instance is stuck on the first picked and doesn't know to pick the next one? If so that might be my main problem and i do not know what events i should use to fix that

  • C-7 Could you take a look at my capx apparently I cannot figure out why my "action" "Attack" will not work on the next character I even listed the group bookmarked and commented where the problem is If you will play it i suggest debug menu to see it in action. I am pulling my hair out at this point I tried everything i could think of. And the reason to why I am not using X or Y is because I wish the family to behave in a way where all i got to do is just add stats and animation and not have to worry about re coding for every stupid new monster I can imagine that would run into duplicate of events in the thousands lol I think its my picking instance event apparently even overlapping wont do it (This will auto-download just click one time)

  • never mind i found out that somewhere in my other code the action "attack" isnt being put onto the other three character which would explain why i am having so much trobule now i have a new problem that families isnt picking them out to put the action "attack" on past the first one. Ugh fix one code it break 20 others lol

  • C-7 ok so i figure out what you were saying was to use a que a global number variable and had each character action to Add one to it and had the character themselves to have a que counter so that each character represent a number within the Que,

    Ok now for the confusing as heck. I cannot get the event to behave, So i figure that using a pick method comparsion between the Que counter and the Que global number and have the action do its thing and subtract one from it so that its goes onto the que. Now my problem is that i can either get the code to do it only one time and not move on to the next Que or I can get the code to move on the next que but no action will happen

    I know i sound confusing

    Heres the code

    (Pick Family "character" by evalutating playerQue=Character.playerqcounter) (pick Monster by evaluating

    (And then a sub condtion Action="attack)With action (subtract Ppower from hp) and (substract 1 from Playerque)

    Again this code will either run once and will not go onto the next que number which is three. Or i can get the code to finish the counter but no action attack will happen. Im at lost to why it doesnt like me

    I've tried to force the loop four time still refuse to do the next que im at lost did i miss something ?

  • C-7 I guess ill do flow chart once i expand past the experimental to see if my code works before expanding into crazy amount of detail ATM my flow chart is like this

    Player select attack ---->target enemy----->Attacking variable=2---->is all player select attack variable=2--->Its right here where i get lost because I do want a attack order/ready queue and then proceed attack in order---->damage enemy--->is all player finish attacking enemy---->enemy turn. Just like that is what my experimental code order is.

    "put everybody in an attack order/ready queue" Hmmmm how would one would do that because ive already got a variable called attacking=2 for the selected action to attack oh and btw i did get the UID of enemy selected for player to attack how would i get the player to just attack that UID is there a special code for that?

  • I am having trouble with figuring out a transition from four player attacking variable to have their own attacking time in order of A B C D.

    And i do not know how to get the four player to act separately instead of all at once and I am having trouble with reset the one variable after they have finished attacking. Im guessing my idea lies in The wait by signal but I do not know how to use them properly ?

    And the tutorials that i have found only does for One player not multiple player to be controlling. Any ideas on how to do this part oh and im trying to use families here so that I do not have to recode too much during the battle turn based scene if need to i can submit a capx I have to warn you my code looks like a pile of mess lol

  • ... .capx?dl=1

    Try this ? I was told that i had to change it from 0 to one on DL It will auto download

    so click one time

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    This is the tall grass example you can see here that player sprite move over the tallgrass i had it to choose between four set of number to subtract the global variable.

    And since you are not using a paid version I had the two text box to show you what was happening.

    I changed the bounding box collision to be smaller then its size so that when you walk on a different patch of grass it would read between your own player bounding box and the tiles individually because if it was set at it default setting my code would not have work as effective.

    And because the free version does not allow family i went ahead and made it one tile for a tile map.

  • Since pokemon is a rpg I did look up how Pokemon battle pick was used and it was quite easy. They used a global variable say 200 and every time you would move to the next "tall grass" It would decrease by 1. And you know those item Repel and attract? Well all they did was to modify the max number of that global variable by 50

    and to get the battle started is that if you were to decrease the number to 0 then you would have the game to switch to battle mode and from on there it use another Variable to pick from say the area to being 10 pokemon then the game would pick between 1-10 and then it would load the pokemon animation and its characteristic stats. and when the battle would end you would have the event to reset the global variables back to its max number.

    Now currently I am working on a battle system and I will post a capx of it when im done.

    Now a question for you Karsten Please give us a List on what you need help with.

    Since you and me are working on a similar project I can offer a little experience and knowledge I and still learning.

  • LittleStain

    You are a genius I was about to use like 20 line of code ... I did get trouble finding the picked count until i realized its in family dot menu. This is a very powerful line of code its like so powerful that its make itself look like batman.

    For those who need help with this bit just use the System compare two value and input the family name and then the Dot

    And for testing purposes Use text box and set the text to the family.pickcount and family.count It made it easy to see how it was picking.

    Again this is a big help for any rpg battle system or least in one way.

  • :update Ok i was able to use a target placer sprite and had it delete the others when enemies are killed or not there.

    I am on pretty much the last piece of code and i cannot figure out where the code is. Basically I need the event to run like this

    event--If all family are variable value = 2 then change all to value=1 ? I cannot find the code for this particular line

    The family variable only check for one not for All at once. And this part is what i am having trouble finding

    and this is to get the target selection to move to the last one and have it reset so that it bounce back toward the first selected.

  • If you can see the Yellow selector on the character head sort of like that and I just want to have the Right arrow to just be able to move to the next sprite GabeA17

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