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  • Ok so If you were following my other post yes its from the same game that ive been working on. So I got the inventory to a anchor style because who doesnt like to anchor their UI. Anyway I got my selector and my arrow picker all working just perfect.

    Except for one small problem the Arrow picker is like 300px from where it should have been anchor after the anchor is enable. But it correct itself when I press down or up button.

    Which is ok for game mechanic goes but I would like if anyone can tell me why its doing that there like no event to tell to do that and I am even using strict variable to control it all with variables

    To see the glitch just move around open n close inventory a bunch of time and you will notice strange behavior with the arrow. cant pin down the problem or why its doing that.

    Is there a special event i need to add in-order to make it stop doing that ?

    heres the capx ( ... .capx?dl=1)

  • Thats not possible unless if you are talking about layer not layout then you just need to disable solids when on layer and reenable when on layer. Im kinda interested if you did manage to get two layout to interact im quite curious how you manage that.

  • What about if your first item runs out to 0 how would i shift the inventory without having a bunch of blank spot ?

  • Maukka Ok so i saw the changes you did and I am surprise how the array code you have shown me to be that much more effective then what i originally had. Question I saw that in the arrary property the Width height and depth

    I am assuming Width is X value Height is Y value and depth is Z value. I see that width is 10 and height is 2. I see that the width is in corresponding to the inventory limit but why is the height at 2 ? And Will this and yes i do want the limit to be ten slot inventory.

    And that text box code (new line) I did not know that was possible I see now why array is much easier for inventory

    And i saw that in the Action code there is these "Cur" code what is that ? Is it Current ? or Curse ?

  • ... .capx?dl=1

    This will auto download.

    Um i havent set the text to anything yet because I am so mad and wondering why doesnt contruct two doesnt see that there is already a textbox object already with the item berry.

    Ive even tried to make a if texbox has berry do nothing It still pick the next one. What am i doing wrong >< or am I missing a particular event ?

  • The Textbox object has two variable. One variable is name Item_name, the value of it on default is none. and the other variable is Item_slot and this value is starting at 1 to 10. Because there is ten textbox object in the inventory screen.

    I have the game picking the textbox object based on the Item_slot number and then Add one to the localvar.item_slot so that It can begin picking on the next new item.

    I went ahead and change the quantity value from the chest orb to add to global variable. Before I saw that by using the chest own value was pretty stupid as it resulted in the berryx3 twice.

    And the "How many" I am using a global variable for each item. so the Textbox event would have set text (self.item_name&"x"&Globalvar.Berry)

    And the event runs like this If chest orb is pickedup And pick Textbox object based on localvarholder.item_slot (Then sub event)Chest orb variable item =berry then set value textobject.Item to Berry and then add one to localvarholder.Item_slot.

    Its right here I cannot figure out how to tell Construct if one of the textbox object.Item already have the value Berry to not make the other textbox object.item value change.

    I suppose i could use a series of group event but that would be silly to have each group event for every first time item and have it deactivate. But that would mean twice as many event or maybe triple the events.

  • So i want to avoid using arrays because I have so little experience with it.

    ok so I created a batch of two item to be picked up one is Berry and one is pokeball (yeah you can guess what it does it pokes the ball lol )

    And i have a bag with Ten slot they are text based family.

    so Far I have it working correctly as far as making it pick the slot and placing the variable where it need to be at except for one thing when I go to place a 2nd item berry to be picked up....Now it used up the third slot it look like this:




    That isnt what i want what i would like it to do is



    And I cannot for the love of my life figure out how to Tell contruct that IF Berry is already in the inventory list Just add to the existing instead of going to the third.

    And yes I would like to use family method because all the item are really stored in a single chest like orb family style

    And this is like the last part of the game mechanic I have to do left for this game. If you guys insist that I should use array Id like some help learning it.

  • could we see the name of the family ? Its hard to tell which family doing what.

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  • what about using line of sight of other enemies pull their variable, UID and do a Choose set number string based on the line of sight pulled in. and have that to target the enemy?

    I look at it like this If I am angry then the first person or enemy in my view (line of sight) gets shot or I "Choose" that kid over there and then start blasting. And you can event place your own variable for the player in that choose number string.

  • Wasnt there a thing where Downsizing the original picture files or resizing for the matter actually cause more memory usage.

    I dont remember if it from like say copy n paste art and then resizing it or on layout already and then resized.

  • Thx you Paradox i didnt know i had to repick em again I figured that when calling an function with a picking already would let the engine know keep that picking.

    yeah you were right All i did was copy n paste all my original picking code and it seem to work I now know how dumb this engine can be and ill be sure to include every picking event

  • If you were following my other post I am stuck on the function part of enemy code to attack.

    So far i have created this crappy frames animation for each enemy attack so that I could test how well the picking event was running for each enemy in a turnbase. I got all the action down that isnt the issue.

    What is puzzling me the most is that After the picking and the action i get it to call a function Let say Attack or acidneedle or do nothing. basically three separate action with three function to start animation. Apparently I cannot get the function after the event to keep the UID picked it like it completely forgets what function to operate on so instead of doing animation to the picked it does it all of the enemy.

    I tried using other sprite to store the UID number, I tried using the same event for the first time picking, I tried overlapping sprite as another condition. Nuthing is working It only run the function to all enemy instead of the picked out one from the first set of event. I am at lost Is there any thing i can try,

    If I need to i can post capx to show what i mean. unless if i am going the wrong way to implement this part.

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