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  • what if you add a layer below it and delete the canvas ?

  • Id use a sprite and label it invisible or what ever you need and then add a variable such as Variable=text

    And just add in this event If sprite is clicked on Sub event variable = text. It does a better job then trying to do UID. Often I get lost in using UID or IDD because of the delete add delete add blah changes up the whole UID ordering process

    One method a really long one recreate all sprite ...and then copy paste one event at a time until it fails to load and then you can assuming it is the last event you added killed it. Other then that I have no clue what to do.

  • thing is they are not on a loop and its really weird how my program is doing it but it works for what it need to do I was just tad curious to why it is acting up

    The only thing thats on a loop is the idle animation and the crouch to idle is not on a loop it just stops on the last frame not even going over to the next one oh well

  • ok So one of the events triggers is 'On animation finished' does not work at all

    but yet if i choose two condition 'Is animation playing' and the last 'animation frame is on'

    It work perfectly to why doesnt 'On animation finished' never has worked for me. When i am trying to progress to a new animation such as 'Crouch to idle animation' to end, to 'idle' animation and have another trigger when 'Idle to crouch' ends start the 'Crouch' animation.

    Is it because if the limits to trigger events ? or can it not do new animation

  • Well i can tell you this Contruct two engine doesnt have a complex brain like us to figure out for you. It actually a very precise and dumb where you gotta get it to know what instruction you want specifically. Like for instance you could just point to a paddle in real life and say get rid of it.

    In contruct two you would have to say Destroy Name of object and what variable it is. and if you told someone to destroy the paddle he would still destroy both because they are of the same object.

    and no i do not think that right If you wanted to just to destroyed the newly created paddle you can try to use 'on created>destroy the object but I have to ask why do you want to create a paddle just to destroy it ? is it a defensive way of protecting you own paddle ? if so id just redo and ask what events are playing to why does the paddle get destroy by what.

  • One tip for skill tree. Write down what you want. What tier talk to other people about Balance in it. and finally Its best to use either A global variable of 0 or 1, or a True/false Boolean. And Think how your code will work and write it down trust me it save alot of time when you write idea down

  • can you maybe change in the targeting to nearest target first or futherest target first. To see if there a difference ?

  • its because paddle is the same object it doesn't repick the spawn vs what there already. I had the same problem so my solution was to create a new sprite such as Paddle1 or paddle2 what ever it need to be.

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  • I love it but you have to admit it make easier finding the code faster like block rather then typing everything

  • So I have this little mini-game where when you set a bomb down it explode using a cheap circle explosion sprite to overlap tilemap to erase the tiles.

    Now how do I get it to just to erase a tile range within the explosion radius. I know how to do it from a sprite but id rather do it from a tilemap for easier map making dungeons.

  • I was referring to like say in browser playable and screenshot and or video detailing why to do this way and not to do it that way.

    I wouldn't use .capx because they can just copy paste the code without really learning. A cheater doesn't learn why they just learn how to steal. That is not our goal here.

    I found that myself I like to feel and see the product because with just screenshot I do not feel the action or what the code is suppose to do. But with a browser playable I can see why that particular code can be useful and then see the screenshot so we can find the code and explore the options. "City of Rome wasn't built in one day" so to speak.

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