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  • i did that but the problem is that because both Down event one and down right event is both true it loop on itself. Im trying to get the engine to see that if down right is being used then forget the Down only condition.

    and yes while you are correct in that the contruct event ordering is top to bottom in theory that would work but its still holding on that previous condition that down is true.

  • can you export the spriter pro as a png image and then import it into you contruct 2 sprite editor and then use that

  • Ok this is a bit weird I have the movement for four direction done perfectly but when it comes to keyboard the directional such as (up+right) (down+right).

    I am guessing that because 'Down' is already being used as well as 'Right' there three condition that its being true which might explain why so many user is having this problem. But how do I tell contruct 2 that when the two are pressed at teh same time do that specific animation not infinite loop down, right, down+right.

    I've look and I couldn't fine any real answer. I might just use four way. this is irrating to no ends. Oh and if you are wondering I tried to use variable to kept them in check but no luck there.

    Basically i just want a down right animation to play and still have the other.

  • What about creating a bunch more of the sprite spawner but create function for each instance you want and have it For each X number of second random choose a number and then have it find the function name based on that number. So for example let say you have 6 sprite spawner and have it layout liek 3x3 grid.

    and arrange the function to spawn coin at what ever spawner you want such as this three at top just spawner 1 2 3 and if you want a number to choose bottom three 4 5 6.

    im sure you can use lots more but this way you can pretty much use function to spawn the thing and control what pattern of coin you want to use.

  • wouldnt it be best to just allow public hosting and private hosting manually as in having kongreate to host the server for the game. Rather then automatic to one computer to be host?

    I remember being about to privately host game in some situation with my friend in uturned but I wasnt sure how that was applied

  • Study some sprite sheet I learn about proper animation by looking at shantae half genie sprite sheet. Basically what we are saying is that find some common ground for the animation frame to end that would start another. ill use color for example in this frame we are going to use three frame. White blue and red and then the next animation is on white.

    ....wait now its jittering so basically do this White blue red blue white. Thus what ever is forward must complete a animation back to the starting point of color.

    Like i said try studying some sprite sheet and look at the common frame and you will see that some of them are repeated for start and end.

    Oh and id like to add this most sprite are not separated for body n legs try to keep them in one animation.

  • You might want to try line of sight behavior as well as using alot of invisible sprite helper.

  • there a code you might want to check out its in the tutorial section if i recall it was random dungeon and it does exactly what you want ... node-based

    I would start small but basically most world like mine craft n such uses a sort of a node and populate from it.

    It just a theory. But can you place several sprite node key and make each environment a certain size so that it fits snug next to each other. In other word a enviromental dome. This might give you some sort of clue. I am trying to do it myself as well its alot of work and you might need some math nerd to help with it.

  • hey sorry about this necro but how is this process is done ? And what external array stat building program are we talking about and can you answer that question EXPFall had ?

  • I get that we cant use tilemap in a sense of sprite frames but Id like to do something like this Tile index at 55 change to 6 and then again oto 8 and then back to 55 sort of like a sprite animation but with tiles and yes this will be a very large same tilemap just for the water i saw how one guy did it on the scratch program and i know they both use the same stuff.

    Or is it impossible due to contruct 2 behavior, and if so then is anyone willing to make a plugin for these things. ?

    ok so I learn that the data is stored in Json fine. I see this line of code {"c2tilemap":true,"width":71,"height":40,"data":"0,1,2,3,4,5,2834x-1"}

    please correct me on this but 0,1,2,3,4,5 are the index and 2834x-1 Is the non used area. Is there a way to do something like this Every tick change all index =5 to let say to 6 and then to 7 and then back to 5 in a loop?

    The reason why i want to use tilemap is because I want to quickly flesh out background without adding in sprites from hell.

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  • Im an idiot I didnt read that clearly. yeah you gonna need one heck of a math wizard here cause what you want is basically some sort of algorithm. i dunno if they are still here lol

  • It might be worth asking what are you using the array for ? Ive ran into trouble when I was using the wrong thing for a specific instance.

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