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  • Explain what you want the player and how do you want the angle of the sword and what type of combat are we dealing with ?

  • oh nice i never thought of that boolean trick. To my understanding global variable cannot be a boolean ? will i have to slap it on to a global sprite ? and also what would be a good way to put this under ?

  • If were doing stacks like 20 cloth and start a new one. Id would do something like this Make an inventory sprite of the item and slap two variable on to it let call it Current and max. And have an event something like this If "current" variable is equal to 'Max' variable Then make a function of create the sprite into the next slot and +1 to its current variable.

    That should be it. But i do not know how to split stack if we are talking about trading a certain ammount. that one is out of my league.

  • Here my idea there two layout one for the dungeon crawling and the second one for the rpg turn based battle.

    What Id like to do is to save the state of the prievous layout but when the battle is over id like to not only load the saved layout but also update the current variable such as Hp mana and item usage ?

    And question will the on start of layout function counter act the load as in another on start event happens or can i do a control check of keeping that First time game loads from game start to never load again ?

    Am i doing this part wrong ? or is layout the best or what ?

  • I have a question do you want a champion of norath style of bag or do you wish to do something like 5 large crystal and then start a new stack or just five slot of large crystal ?

  • Well Id would start small and release a demo of like 4 level to get some feedback and then grow from there that how mario grew to be such a hit.

  • Ok to be more specific how would i go about storing the quest in a sense of what been done and what been completed And to go along that Id like to know what the best way to use a quest log in relation?

    And id would hate to use like a thousand variable just for a few quest. Id like to do something like this Store it in a dictionary like a function so that the quest can be temporary store as to "what the quest has ask" to be done and turn in and then reduce the quest variable to just be "completed". Do i need to go more specific. This part is very new to me in a sense of proper quest logging.

    And last question is there a some sort of easy way into doing this so that it can act on its own without specific instruction for every detail ?

  • ok so I am making a rpg topdown game and i got the dialogue done and I want to know how to do the quest system.

    Such as this If i want a max quest of say five. how would I go about to limit it instead of messing up with a bug where you can get 6 and the last one just disappear.

    and how would or rather the correct way to store Quest log in. This part is confusing to me.

    I mean i figure it would have a control check before fully accepting the quest. Also I kinda want a system where you can dynamically accept quest in your own order of event. How would i go about to do that ?

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  • this is pretty easy How exactly do you want it to work ?

    I know that you do a check with variables such as When you hit craft button the item you add a condition such as this if you have 2 or more rock then minus two rock and add one flint stone. its all in the control variable check.

    if you have a shop to buy with money its the same thing you are crafting a candy bar with money. you trade one for another.

    The question is how do you want to do the crafting?

  • If i understand it right, i would try making an array for each player and then when it comes time to play or make a new game with the player just have a function to call for when a specific character is chosen and then populate the array based on that so that you would be dealing with 4 array instead of ten array and having to erase them every time.

    And then for the rest If i remember right there are some value that should be stored in array and then in dictionary. Not sure what is best used. Im working on a system myself but its just for one character atm. as for persist you can just set the array to global. Saving the game is one area i have no explored yet.

  • Weird editior sprite placement

    Ok so halfway through making my game I am building a UI interface and i notice something strange. one of the large sprite that i had for the bottom portion of the window. Is stuck on a paralax relative to my scroll in the editor. I do not know how i produce it or wonder if it bug out to now affecting the editor portion and not on debug game window. And i tried to close and open it back up but its still there. and this is on r219. Like i said i have no clue to why this is happening or how to reproduce it. but here a funny thing even though I am somehow moving it on editor with scroll un-selected, it still showing the x,y of where its suppose to be at. but if i scroll as in zoom out to the furthest it snap back where its suppose to be at. but if i scroll in it start to move with me.

    AS of right now its just annoying as hell but ill down load the latest version to see if it fix but seriously this is one weird shit. none of the other sprite are doing it just this one.

    NVM you can delete this post I figure out that it was the parllax in the editor option for the layer you can lock this or delete this sorry for confusion.

  • You can try pick by evaluation hp < or equal to 0 and yes use instance variable hp on the tank sprite.

    And then do destroy tank. The picking event picks the ones that has met and will continue to do so until the action is done.

    Take a step back from your work and write down the logic in a form of a question and then ask someone on that specific task. Construct two and other engine are very dumb they do no have our dynamic brain capability and require specific instruction. In other word just know that you are smarter then the engine you have to dumb down the code for the engine to know what you want.

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