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  • The subject pretty much sums my thread up. I've tried the game on Chrome and IE n' the sprite fonts show up okay, just not Firefox. Is this a well known problem with FF, or have I messed something up somewhere? My sprite fonts are 7x7px if that helps narrow down the problem.

  • XpMonster. You are a CHAMPION! Thanks!

  • Thanks for the help, Lordshiva. Don't think that'd work in my game though, the player has to be able to walk on the blocks and interact with them like a wall.

  • Hey. I followed a tutorial for this on the main site ... ing-blocks, but cannae get it working right. I have everything copied except the on-screen bit. Instead of the platforms crushing the player, he teleports away from harm. There must be a wee setting somewhere I'm missing. Can anyone help?

  • That's excellent, guys. Thanks!

  • Hey. Trying to get a pause working here. Was following a simple tutorial n' everythign works just fine, but only if I use a different button to unpause. If I use the same button, the pause doesn't work. Can anyone help? Thanks.

    Here's my horrible hacked together attempt.

  • I had it as part of some event, it must have been repeating with each tick. Stuck it in its own event n' that sorted everything. Thanks for the help!

  • Hey. I've set the camera to shake for magnitude 0.5 and duration 0.5, on reducing magnitude. But it shakes for a few seconds no matter what I set these options to.

    Can anyone help me out with this one? Thanks.

  • Thanks, guys. I'll give it a go.

  • Hey. Been trying to figure this one out for a while, but I'm stumped. I can get the enemy to speed up when he sees the player, but I can't get him to resume his normal speed when they player gets outta his view. I didn't like using the line of sight function 'cause, from what I understand, it's a circle around the enemy, so he's gonna spot the player even with his back turned.

    Can anyone help?

    Here's how I have it set up. I'm probably going the wrong way about this, but I'm making this up as I go.

  • Thanks much, guys. I'll give it a go.

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  • Hey. I have breakable blocks that play a smack sound when hit, if a few of them are hit at the same time, it plays all the sounds together, comes out really loud. Is there any way to limit only instance of that sound at a time?

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