Gypopothomas's Recent Forum Activity

  • Hey. I'm making a game where movements are snapped to a grid, so each movement is the exact same distance. I'm using Rex's Move-To plug in to handle moving left and right (16 pixels at a time), but I can't get a nice fixed jump using it (or I can't figure out how anyway). Any ideas?

  • Excellent stuff, lads. Thanks! I'll give it a go.

  • Hey. I need to move a character 16 pixels in the direction I press, but I don't want him to just snap to the new position like he does with the 'set X' command, I need to see the character move, but he has to stop at exactly 16 pixels from where he started.

    Can anyone help me with this one? Thanks.

  • Hey. I have a 2D sidescroller where the enemies don't shoot at the player unless he's near, they can spot him using line of sight. Problem is, when one detects him, they all do! Am I missing something, is there a better way to do this?

    Thanks for help.

  • hey there, this is what i would do.

    You need 1 variable to store the lerping ammunt, let call this one "num".

    So when the player is not mirrored (going right), you add 0.1 to num as long as it is < 1.

    when the player is mirrored (going left), you substract 0.1 from num, as long as it is > 0.

    and then you scroll.X to: lerp( player.X - 40 , player.X + 40 , num)

    I hope it's what you wanted. There is no reason this should flicker, and using lerp every thick should not be a problem either.

    Thanks, chap. I'll give it a go!

  • Hey. Trying to get a smooth camera going. I'm using a lerp command now, it does the job nicely, but my character is jittering about when he's walking. I'm guessing this has something to do with pixel rounding being on and using lerp with every tick, so I have to try something else.

    I have a limited Gameboy screen to work with, so I wanna give my player as much space to see incoming baddies as possible, so I always have the camera 40 pixels ahead of him. This works fine except when I turn around, the camera snaps to 40 pixels to the left, which is really jarring.

    With lerp

    No lerp

    Is there any way to smooth this movement out without using lerp on every tick? I just want the camera moving from side to side to smooth out, then it can go solid after the switch.

    Thanks for the help.

  • >

    > > Full screen option: letterbox integer scale should do that..

    > >

    > Thanks for the reply, but I'm already set to integer.


    And sampling is point and pixel rounding is on?

    Pixel rounding was set to off. Stuck it on there n' everything's good! Thanks a lot!

  • Full screen option: letterbox integer scale should do that..

    Thanks for the reply, but I'm already set to integer.

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  • Hey. Working on a wee game for Gameboy Jam 4. Have my resolution set to 160x144 n' have all the graphics drawn up to fit this resolution. It looks fine if I play the game in a tiny window, but if I use full screen, it increases the resolution. Objects move between pixels, if you get what I mean.

    Here's my game windowed.

    Here it is full screen. You can see the feathers are positioned between the low-res pixels.

    Is there any way to keep the resolution authentic in full screen?

    Thanks for the help.

  • Aha! Makes perfect sense. I'm still a bit of a noob with C2, thanks for the help!

  • Hey. I've used tiled backgrounds for everything else in my game, but I don't think I can do the same for these moving platforms I've set up with sine movements.

    Just wondering if anyone can tell me to best way to get some graphics on these. There are a few different shapes n' sizes, so I was hoping I could tile a texture on them.

    Can anyone help? Thanks.

  • Hey. Got a room with loads of moving platforms with different sine timers on them. The room works fine on my PC, but the framerate's a bit lower on my work PC n' the timing of the sine platforms makes the room impossible to beat.

    I've just started reading up about framerate independent things, butI thought sine movements were independent anyway. Is it a framerate problem or would it be something else? Anyone got any ideas?


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