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  • Thanks! Tried the overlapping at offset idea, it works, but only if I've landed on the block, if I just run onto it, there's no change. Hmm...

    Both objects have rectangle collision polygons.

    Took out the Trigger Once n' everything is well! Thanks again for you help! Really appreciate it.

  • I'm still a bit of a C2 noob. I assumed that if I didn't, it would just keep resetting the shake animation for as long as the player stood on the block. I've tried it without the Trigger Once, but it doesn't help. Tried just making the block explode on collision, but that doesn't work either. It;s a head scratcher.

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  • Hey. Having some trouble with these wee blocks that should blow up when they collide with the player, If you check the GIF, you can see that SOMETIMES they do and others they don't. I have no idea why this would happen. Has anyone come across anything like this before?

  • Makes you laugh, eh? Haha! Great. I'm gonna have a wee intro story bit at the start. It's about a pig who eats a chilli (that's why he can shoot fireballs), he turns red n' can't stop running until he finds some water.

    faster music for faster speed is a brilliant idea. Thanks.

  • Hey. Started working on a wee platformer, something simple that my 4 year old nephew could play, but with a bit of extra depth for people looking for a challenge.

    You can take the game slowly n' just pass the levels if you want something casual. Like this...

    Or put the pedal to the medal n' speed through it...

    Some Piggy animations. Just for the craic.

    Some more speedy shenanigans (level tiles aren't applied yet, of course).

    I'd sure appreciate any comments or feedback. Anyone wanna help me with some playtesting?

    UPDATE 04.01.16

    Some new GIFs to check out.

    The robot world comes with DEADLY LASERS!

    The toy world is assembled before your very eyes!

  • Jaysis! that fixed it. I need a good facepalming! Haha!

    I assumed it wouldn't affect it 'cause they weren't actually overlapping. But that did the job. Thanks.

  • Whoops!

    Here's how I have it set up

  • Hey. I'm trying to make some falling blocks with the platform behaviour, but they don't work if they're touching a solid at the side (I've attached a GIF). I've tried using the bullet behavior instead, but the same thing happens.

    I've cut the collision box of the block off a pixel at each side n' that works, but I'd rather have the collision be the size of the whole block.

    Any idea what's going on here? Thanks for the help.

  • Push out solid, eh? Sounds vulgar! Haha!

    Thanks for the help. I'll give it a go.

  • Hey. Using a custom movement for a dash move in my game, but the player goes through walls if I dash in their direction. Is there any way to have the custom movement stop when it hits a solid?

  • I'll give it a try, chap. Thanks for the help!

  • Hmm... Don't think I follow you. Would that work for jumping up platforms?

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