Gypopothomas's Recent Forum Activity

  • I have crates that can be smashed, but I want them to return to their original state when leaving a level and returning, but I don't want other things (like treasure chests) to return.

    Is there any way to do this?



  • Alright! Will do. Thanks.

  • Has anyone else got this problem? Is there any way to fix it?

    Thanks for the help.

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  • I was thinking of doing that, but I thought there'd be some nifty trick to handle it in any situation. Thanks for the help, lad!

  • Hey. Trying to figure out how to hide this jeypack fire when it overlaps the ground tiles. Any ideas?

    Tahnks for the help.

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  • Hey.

    I made a hole in a top down game. Trying to make the player fall into it, but only if his whole sprite is covered by the hole object. Any ideas?


  • Hey.

    Wondering how I'd go about having an enemy that can aims and fires at the player, but at fixed angles like in Contra. He's have to shoot horizontal, diagonal, up and down.

  • Hey.

    I've tried adding Jump-Thru to the baddie's Behaviours, then when one is overlapping another, it chooses the top instance and sets Platform Vector Y to -1. It KINDA works.

    Can anyone help me with this?

  • Hey.

    I have a bunch of objects in the game that have different health values assigned to variables. Is there a way I can grab all the health values from these different objects and combine them in a global variable?

    Thanks for the help.

  • Aha! Thanks a lot!

  • Hey. I just upgraded from C2 today, still learning the ropes.

    In C2, I was able to set a behaviour for one object so that it would be the same for every instance of it in the game. I'd usually just make sure I wasn't in a room (I'd select an Event Sheet) and just set it the way I want (like disabing Set Angle on a Bullet), it doesn't look like I can do that in C3, is there another way to do it, or than going through every single instance and changing the settings manually?

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Member since 23 Nov, 2014

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