Where did the Cordova project say that? I didn't think they'd recommend a competing company's proprietary technology...
If there is really that big a difference (20fps vs. 60fps) are you sure you're not on a GPU-blacklisted system or getting dropped back to canvas2d rendering? That's exactly the performance difference you'd see if that was happening. In which case really you're testing hardware-accelerated vs. software rendering, which is an unfair comparison.
I meant cocoon :
High performance: It is the fastest webview engine.
Light weight: Only 5MB of space.
Compatibility with old OS versions.
Portability: Android, iOS, Wearables…
Specially thought and designed for Gaming.
Ultra-fast bindings: box2d, gamepad…
DOM access is restricted.
It is not a full browser.
Less suitable for apps than the other webview engines.
When to use it
If you are developing canvas based game that requires mainly high performance and high FPS rate.
If your game does not require DOM UI elements and you want it to be easily portable to other OS versions and light.
If you are using a canvas based game engine, such as Phaser, Pixi, PlayCanvas, Kiwi.js …