X3M's Forum Posts

  • the Mnk Sure I'll post one in the tutorials section

  • arod17pr Try this code :

    // Rewritten version
    	// By @mathias, @cheeaun and @jdalton
    	(function (doc) {
    		var addEvent = 'addEventListener',
    		type = 'gesturestart',
    		qsa = 'querySelectorAll',
    		scales = [1, 1],
    		meta = qsa in doc ? doc[qsa]('meta[name=viewport]') : [];
    		function fix() {
    			meta.content = 'width=device-width,height=device-height,minimum-scale=' + scales[0] + ',maximum-scale=' + scales[1];
    			doc.removeEventListener(type, fix, true);
    		if ((meta = meta[meta.length - 1]) && addEvent in doc) {
    			scales = [.25, 1.6];
    			doc[addEvent](type, fix, true);
    Put it before [code:2geekdmg]instanceProto.onCreate = function () {[/code:2geekdmg]
    If it doesn't work, try adding this code : 
    After [code:2geekdmg]instanceProto.tick = function () {[/code:2geekdmg]
  • NN81 As long as your project works fine in the Chrome browser, it will work as fine in node webkit since both are the same thing.

    And concerning APK, you are not forced to use 3rd party sevices, in fact you can build your apks by your own locally ( without the need of internet ), from the index.html to .apk via cordova.

    Tell me if your're interested so I can explain how ( it's a long process, but as soon as you finish setting up things, you get to build apks in a matter of seconds, so it's worth the effort).

    I've tested before and it worked blazingly fast on my android device.

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  • skymen

    1- For js files inside the .nw package:

    There is a solution called v8 snapshot which could be added to C2 : https://github.com/nwjs/nw.js/wiki/Prot ... 8-snapshot

    But it comes with some drawbacks such as noticeable performance decrease in your game.

    2- For image assets:

    You can load base64 images instead of importing files.

    3- For sound files:

    Same, using base64 sounds can solve the issue.

    And all 2 and 3 would be encrypted since they reside inside the c2runtime.js file which will become c2runtime.bin

    But again, performance issues cannot be overlooked.

  • arod17pr Try opening your controller.html and adding this tag after the <head>:

    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no">[/code:e8e5gzwc]
  • stefanos It will take some time, do you have a VR device ?

  • stefanos Yeah C3 might become the best gamemaker in the market.

    Regarding the FPS problems, the next update will be composed of 3 products: FPS maker ,Platformer maker and External scene loader.

    FPS maker will let you make FPS games easily without extra configuration.

    Platformer is for making 3D platformer games.

    External scene will let you load full scenes from Blender , 3DS max or Unity 5 and make games out of them, it also can be used as Cutscenes for your FPS or platformer games .

  • cjbruce Oh then the problem is not related to my plugin. If I were you I would report this problem to Airconsole devs so that they fix it asap.

    Or they should explain why this problem exists only on iOS devices.'

    Good luck with your project !

  • cjbruce Do you have Skype so we can collaborate and resolve this problem ? I've got some fixes that I want you to try.

    Your project won't get approved by Airconsole if that problem persists right ?

  • Wow this is awesome! great job rexrainbow !

  • tunepunk I can't promise anything on mobile performance.

    matriax I've found a way, but it's not 100% functional yet, I need to invert mouse controls somehow.

    I meant with "FPS friendly" topdown view fps making like this :

  • Unfortunately I don't have an iOS device to troubleshoot the problem. Maybe this bug is related somehow :

    I can only determine whether the bug is from my plugin if I get a comparison of two projects : one without the plugin and the other with it.

    I would also recommend posting screenshots of your devices so I can see how the canvas is scaled.

  • Anonnymitet Can you replace the <head> tag with:

    <meta name="viewport" content="user-scalable=no, width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0"/>
    Inside your controller.html and test again?
    Tell me if it works or not so that I make adjustments.
  • polygame Most people get their obj models from the internet


    * Yes

    * In the next update

    * For now, collisions are only of type Box,Cylinder,Sphere or Plane. Complex meshes collisions are not supported.

    * Models with animations are of JS format, you basically export your animated model with the Babylon exporter as a js file, import it to C2, and assign the name of the file to your OBJ/JS object. Then you add a Skeleton behavior to your object if it is a rigged model, or add the Animations behavaior if it is a time-line animation. I'll post tutorials when I'm not busy.