X3M's Forum Posts

  • R0J0hound Unfortunately it didn't work. Is there a way to run JS libraries while on Edittime ?

  • R0J0hound what about cr or renderer ? Tried with global var but it didn't work because they're only limited withing the plugin

  • spy84 By v1.0, the plugin should be consider complete and no more updates-bug fixes should be required.

    No not really I don't plan for v2.0 yet because when v1.0 is out, I should be working on an Editor Edition in which things are done only in C2.

  • UberLou

    1) Yes they are supported, I've just included them to 0.4 because I had problems with them before, now they are working perfectly. And yes there is no limit as long as you are targeting Windows.

    2) As long as they are biped armatures or skinned meshes, they're supported.

    3) Of course.

    4) Unfortunately no, The plugin is designed to load the whole scene at once, then you can do whatever you want to the meshes.

    5) Yes, not only that, but you can also overlay the 3D scene to have a transparent background (Autoclear set to Off) and display ontop of sprites. Also, C2 effects can now be added to the scene.

    6) I can't show all of them because they are seperated into plugins and behaviours. And C2 behaviours are also supported (ex: Platformer demo).

    This plugin is still in developpement, but you can already make games with it, I'll complete the platformer demo to show you and others what exactly I'm talking about.

  • Hi,

    Is there an equivalent of this.runtime in Edittime, I'm trying to access other edittimes, It can be easily done in the runtime by adding childs to the this.runtime. which is shared by all the plugins.

    But what about the edittime ?

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  • spy84

    Here is how you can make games using this plugin:

    1st step : You design your levels in a 3D editor just like this :

    2nd step: And then for each object you wanna assign an action to, you create a item on the C2 layout :

    3rd step: You assign behaviors and actions to your object on the event sheet.

    Last step: You test the project, here is a demo of this one:

    https://www.scirra.com/arcade/adventure ... demo-12658

  • You're god damn right

  • spy84 Yep

  • [center][/center] does not work.

  • blurymind There is no Maya exporter. Yes Blender's exporter supports armature animation.

  • Not Maya, 3DS max, Blender or Unity 5. And yes you can export armature animations with it.

    I prefer 3DS max because its easier to use and has more functionalities than the other two. Also Blender's UI is just horrible.

  • Thanks for the info, the forums new look is much better now.

  • matriax You can change the extension to .js for now. Nice demo man!

    Making some finishing touches on v0.3

  • The effects/shaders of C2 not works with the plugin. I tried some RGB channel separation, scanlines,etc... and nothing. I don't know if is possible, but will be great if you can make the plugin compatible with the C2 effects.

    I saw there is an option on camera called "Post-Process" for Blur, Black&White and others. Maybe there is any chance to add in the list the C2 effects?.

    Edit: The blur option the Camera Pot-Process, without X/Y displacement work like a Pixel-Scale to lowres games, so great!

    Its not possible because Babylon3D is on a different canvas, C2 effets only apply on C2 canvas.

    Babylon3D supports shaders, but I'm not going to work on them yet because I need to read about how shaders work first so you can create your own effects for your games.

    For now, I've only implemented some (Black'n'White, Sepia and Blur). I'll work on them on later versions.

  • delgado As I promised, when I update to v0.3, i'll provide with it the capx of that demo.