X3M's Forum Posts

  • Babylon3D: Scene Loader Edition — Now for sale in the Scirra Store!


    <h3>Version</h3><div class="deshr"></div><p>0.1</p><h3>Features:</h3><div class="deshr"></div>

    • Multiple cameras
    • Animations
    • Bones
    • Standard and PBR materials
    • 3D sound
    • And much more

    <h3>Requirement:</h3><div class="deshr"></div><p>One of these:</p>

    • Blender
    • or 3DS max
    • or Unity 5

    <h3>What you get with this plugin:</h3><div class="deshr"></div>

    • Exporters.
    • 1 Functional template.
    • 1 3DS max scene.

    <h3>What you get after buying the plugin:</h3><div class="deshr"></div>

    • Free support for 1 year.
    • Free updates until v1.0.

    Use this topic to leave comments, ask questions and talk about Babylon3D: Scene Loader Edition

  • That would be possible to implement, as I said before as long as BabylonJS comes with a function, this plugin will implement it. It justs takes a lot of time and effort to import all functions to Construct 2.

  • You don't have to convert anything, the plugin comes with an exporter that you install for 3DS max, Blender or Unity 5.

  • 19.99 $ includes the plugin and 2 templates and 1 year of free support, That demo was done in 5 mins, I'm not good with 3D modelling, I'll try my best to change it to something more appealing.

    This will be version 0.1a , free updates up to 1.0 stable. Which will cover obviously all the features that the BabylonJS comes with.

  • Savvy001 Both, as for the games, you design your levels with a 3D editor (World, Enemies etc...), you export the scene to Construct 2 and from there you can access all the objects by their names.

    You should note that you cannot use behaviours with this since its not Editor based, there will be another version for the editor soon.

    Yes, BabylonJS supports VR.

    As you said, this plugin is meant to be further developed, I released it earlier so that I can get suggestions from users about the functions that they want to be added or things that they want to be changed .

  • Sorry for the inconvenience, I'll post a demo on the Arcade forum as soon as possible:

  • _

  • mutiply PistolaDaño by 10, round it then divide by 10. Like this:

    var PistolaDaño = 1.2; System->AddTo->0.3 System->SetValue->(round(PistolaDaño * 10))/10

    Scirra should add an option to get floats after round and not only ints

  • Once you go Notepad, you never go back.

    I'm talking about that function that allows you to duplicate lines at a split second, the mighty CTRL+D.

    Or, what about that super combination of CTRL+SHIFT+ALT, which allows you to do a vertical selection.

    Or that CTRL+SHIFT+Q, which comments the selection.

    Even better, what about that CTRL+ALT+M combination which formats your Javascript code and beautifies it.

    I can go all day long.

    In short, there is no IDE or text editor which comes close to Notepad++.

  • I don't know about Intel XDK, but back when I was using actionscript 3.0 to build android apps, I used to create my own temporary certificate for the app since android will not allow installing unsigned packages.

    So I assume, and it should be the case, that there is somewhere an option to create your own certificate in Intel XDK.

    You can type in random words, but you should remember the password of the certificate for later use.

    Edit: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=create+certificate+intel+xdk

  • You sure it's not rgba?

    No it should be returning : rgb(r,g,b)

    Instead it returns a decimal, in my case its 6698973, which should be converted to hex, it becomes 0x6633ff.

    But its in the form of bgr, which means that 0x66 is b, 0x33 is g and 0xff is red.

    new cr.Property(ept_color, 	"Fog color",		0x222222,		"The color of the fog."),[/code:21fctseb]
    Here is a workaround:
    var fogColor = hexToRgb(this.properties[2]);
    function hexToRgb(hex) {
    		hex = hex.toString(16);
    		var result = /^#?([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})$/i.exec(hex);
    		return result ? {
    			r: parseInt(result[1], 16),
    			g: parseInt(result[2], 16),
    			b: parseInt(result[3], 16)
    		} : null;
  • It appears that if we set a ept_color property for a behaviour,it returns a decimal number instead of the format rgb(r,g,b) that gets returned in the case of a plugin.

    The decimal should then be converted to hexadecimal, but the hex color is inverted in the form of bgr instead of rgb.

    Its a big hassle, so it would be great if this gets fixed.

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    I come from a programming environment, I have been coding with Actionscript 3.0 for about 6 years, made some games with it but mainly web applications. People kept talking about the decline of Flash and the emergence of HTML5, so I decided to ditch Flash (which for me has been the best language and framework of the last decade) and embark the HTML5 ship.

    I tried Phaser: Didn't like the lack of code hinting and documentation.

    I tried Unity3D: Didn't like the lagginess of the code editor, as well as the fact that you should install the unity plugin in order to deploy your games online. Another thing I didn't like is the slow loading of games made with Unity3D.

    So I stumbled upon Construct 2, never knew that there was a tool for making HTML5 games without coding. Fell in love with it, I was quite surprised how much an event can be the equivalent of dozens of lines of code if you were to code it by yourself.

    I was more pleased of the fact that we can code our own plugins and share them with the community.

    Seriously, C2 cannot be compared with any of those engines in term of simplicity and efficiency.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
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    > Any info about the price of C3 in comparision with C2 ?

    > I wanna buy a C2 license but I can't decide whether to wait for C3 release or not.


    X3M - Don't wait for C3, I believe C3 will come out in about 2 to 3 years. That's a very long time. It's not worth it. And besides, C2 is upgradable to C3.

    For example (I might be wrong though), if C2 Personal License costs $120 and C3 costs $200 . You will only pay $80.00 if you've purchased C2 Personal License.

    So if you own a C2 license, you get C3 for free?