matriax Effects on meshes 50% complete :
3D Sprite unfortunately won't support frames, you will just import a sprite sheet into the animation and set the cells width and height.
It was meant to be this way because the plugin uses a Sprite managing system which uses a whole sprite sheet directly, and slices it depending on how the size of the cells, instead of loading each frame seperatly and going from frame 0 to 1 to 2, which is CPU intensive, hence the reason of making this plugin.
The plugin can come useful if you want to make an isometric game (such as an RPG), so you will be designing a 3D game wich delivers the performance of a 2D game.
The laser behavior can be applied to meshes or cameras, and it supports decals (Bullet holes).
— Thanks for the report, yes it should be X Y and Z for depth, I will fix the problem.