X3M's Forum Posts

  • MATAGUIRIS Can you please elaborate more ? I don't quite understand what you're trying to achieve

    matriax Yes hopefully.

  • This plugin will let you create controllers in Construct 2 by simply dragging and dropping them.



    Download demo

    Download (Includes the plugin , the cmd command, the pong demo and controller):







    1- Open pongcontroller.capx end export as HTML5 website to your localhost directory.

    (Ex for Xampp: xampp\htdocs\pong\) - http://localhost/pong/

    2- Copy Magicwand.cmd to xampp\htdocs\pong\.

    3- Run Magicwand.cmd. It will do all the work for you.


    [II] GAME


    4-Open pong.capx and export as HTML5 website to your localhost directory.

    5-Rename index.html to screen.html.




    6- Make sure Xampp is running.

    7- Visit http://www.airconsole.com/simulator/#de ... host/pong/.

    You will need to log in with your gmail account so that Airconsole can get your name ( will be used as device nickname).

    8- Thats it !

    Credits to PsychoKiller1888 for the Airconsole plugin and the Pong demo.

    Have fun customizing your controller! Remember that you can do anything with your controller ! Think out of the Box !

  • I'm interested in this plugin, but is there not a way as the developer that you can attempt to get one of your projects on mobile and give us solid answer about performance? All you need is an android phone and xdk.

    It shouldn't cost you anything aside from the phone (maybe you could even borrow that?). If you could offer honest results about mobile I think 1. you'll be surprised that games made efficiently may still run great. If the game runs fast in the browser of a phone there is no reason it wouldn't run fast in a wrapper like cocoon or xdk (cordova) because THEY use the same native browser to run the game. If you could show people how well a game can run on mobile, you would likely drive more adopters (customer$$$) to buy your plugin.

    I would also LOVE to see the workflow of this engine. I see a glimpse of it.. could you or anyone make a basic tutorial to help walk us through the steps? Could you make a video that goes step by step to do something simple.. then maybe make a second video that builds off that simple "here is how you position the camera.. create solid ground.. create an object. maybe spawn multiple objects in a second tutorial and show how physics would work.

    I'm happy to buy the plugin and become a supporter as I have a game that I really want to make in 3D but unity and unreal are just not fun to work with and i love c2..

    maybe you include a bunch of capx files that show each feature? I understand there may be some learning to it, but what I didn't care for with Q3D was that we had what felt like no support and it was confusing to make sense of it.. even with examples.. the examples were too complex to unravel for me personally at least.. and i never saw many people do much with it so i suspect it wasn't just me that found it tough to figure out.



    Thanks for the encouragement mate, regarding the mobile performance, I've asked some clients to test two examples on their Android devices and they said that it ran without any problem with an FPS ranging from 49 to 60. BUT the examples were not bloated with objects, they barely had 4 to 9 3D objects on the scene.

    I need to make a stress project to give a benchmark, would you export it using XDK and test it on your mobile device ? I would be very thankful if you could do that since I can't export to XDK since I only have the free version.

    I've been working on some tutorials, I'll post them as soon as possible. For now you can download the capx examples or the showcase games to have an idea on how things work, It's as simple as making a 2D game, but with an extra dimension ( Z axis).

    Yes I'll be adding a capx showcasing examples from Basic to Advanced usage.

    Well I'll be using this plugin to make a 3D game ( A Mario Party like game ) which I will be using to enter the Airconsole contest, so far things are going well, here is a SS of what I've done so far :

  • Download has been approved, added a mini game with capx.

  • spy84 I was expecting it to bring a 3D viewport to the software but no it is just an addon which may be based on Threejs or Babylonjs. 80$ would have seemed reasonable if there was a 3D viewport for easy objects manipulations, IMO its a rip off, and Clickteam fusion's software itself is a mess.

    The only engine that goes toe to toe with C2 is Godot which I'm using in parallel. Not only that it's free, but it also has both 2D and 3D viewports (Like Unity) and comes with dozens of templates.

    Regarding promoting the plugin, I can't do it right now since I don't have enough things to showcase as advertissement, I need to make some playable games first before going into promotions via social medias. So that people have an idea what they can do with this plugin.

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  • spy84 The last update is not approved yet you'll have to wait till Tom approves it (He does not work during weekends)

  • Because likely you do have an archive uploaded that you forgot about.

    Go ahead and complete the details, with a specific game name that you can then delete, if needed, once completed.

    Check out if then you are able to upload other archives later on and let us know.

    Otherwise, consider sending a mail to the support.

    Thanks, that was the problem

  • drzanuff It still needs to be approved by Tom

  • I cannot upload games anymore to the scirra arcade, when I click Upload Game, it redirects me straight to the "Your Game Details" section as If I already uploaded the zip file.

  • X3M Uh? and what will have the next version that worth to pay another $20(or whatever) that not have this one?

    When you said will be released next year, this means you are going to work in some free time this year on that version to be released or you will start to develop the next edition in 2018 releasing some betas like in this one to get feedback?

    No its a totally different product, I've got other projects to finish and I need to join the Airconsole contest and I believe that this product is ready. You can make complete games with it.

  • Hi, I wanted to know standar edition will be free or just cheaper?


    X3M Since now is all in one product not will be better call it simply "Babylon 3D" ? Or "Standar Edition" means that will be another edition? Weird if as you said the next one will be the 1.0 ,etc... ¿?

    Also saw the first post update with the new material options, looks interesting.

    Yes it will be released next year

  • matriax It will be released at the end of the week. Things are going pretty good, I've finished shaders (C2 effects + Custom fx shaders) Now I'm making sure to implement the last plugins and behaviors.

  • brian Griffin I recommend learning JS if you wanna make serious commercial games with C2, its a bless really how easy it will be for you to make outstanding projects in 50% less time than with plain code.

    If you know JS, you could make everything ! and I mean everything that comes to your mind ! If I needed a function that was missing, I just went to the JS libraries archive and fetched for the library which does the thing that I wanted, then bam!, you implement your own plugin accordingly.

    So learning JS and getting used to C2 is going to make you forget about all those fancy IDEs out there (Unity , Game maker , Unreal engine etc... ).

    And I cannot wait for C3 and its SDK

  • Unfortunately, you cant pass an array as a parameter as C2 does not support passing objects such as arrays, vectors etc... . For now you can only pass ints, floats, strings, instances or keyboard virtual keys.

  • matriax C2 and Babylonjs use Fragment shaders also known as Pixel shaders :


    Pixel shaders[edit]

    Pixel shaders, also known as fragment shaders, compute color and other attributes of each "fragment" - a technical term usually meaning a single pixel. The simplest kinds of pixel shaders output one screen pixel as a color value; more complex shaders with multiple inputs/outputs are also possible. Pixel shaders range from always outputting the same color, to applying a lighting value, to doing bump mapping, shadows, specular highlights, translucency and other phenomena. They can alter the depth of the fragment (for Z-buffering), or output more than one color if multiple render targets are active. In 3D graphics, a pixel shader alone cannot produce very complex effects, because it operates only on a single fragment, without knowledge of a scene's geometry. However, pixel shaders do have knowledge of the screen coordinate being drawn, and can sample the screen and nearby pixels if the contents of the entire screen are passed as a texture to the shader. This technique can enable a wide variety of two-dimensional postprocessing effects, such as blur, or edge detection/enhancement for cartoon/cel shaders. Pixel shaders may also be applied in intermediate stages to any two-dimensional images—sprites or textures—in the pipeline, whereas vertex shaders always require a 3D scene. For instance, a pixel shader is the only kind of shader that can act as a postprocessor or filter for a video stream after it has been rasterized.

    What you are refering to are Geometry shaders which are not available in WebGL.