matriax It is because spotlights have a complicated setup, they are hard to configure and may take some time to figure out the correct settings, because they need extra parameters unlike the other lights.
Detailed explanation:
A spotlight consists of a cone which has a target, Deltakosh made this target a world position (X,Y,Z), which is unconvinient for us C2 users because we can't determine the exact position which we want our spotlight to be casting on. So to solve this, I've set the target to be an offset instead of a position, the offset's origin is 0,1000,0. This means that when you create a spotlight without changing anything in the properties, even if Target is 0,0,0 , the spotlight will cast 0,1000,0 , so that the spotlight will be shown to you like this:
Target property is an offset of X,Y,Z . If it is 0,0,0 , then the spotlight will target the position 0,1000,0.
If it is 100,0,0, then the spotlight will target 100,1000,0 , so it will display like this:
If you have a better idea or configuration for it, then tell me.