vtrix's Forum Posts

  • reverse action definatly cool,

    about the pingpong stop action, its almost right, except it keeps looping while your over it, it should play pingpong once and stop even if youre still over the button

    or maybe i need an combination to do this?

    if its not possible dont mind it, already very nice

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  • yeah but in this case you want to quick look in wich folder your objects are and return without mouseclick, i think a shortcut would be nice

  • scrap that, i was using objects that were saved in json, but the new variables were not in them, therefore the error

  • <img src="https://dl.dropbox.com/u/61666915/bug.jpg" border="0" />

    im having this strange bug whenever an object hits a member of a family

    thing is, i cant recreate it and im using a couple of external plugins, but dont know what to do now

  • amazing! keep going like this and before you know it you'll have a great game!

  • im not aware of any shortcut for going thru folders in "adding action screen" you can only click "up"

    if theres none i would suggest backspace

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  • i just downloaded the new version and looked at your examples,

    maybe im thinking this in the wrong way, but how i tought it could be

    is like when you hover a button, i plays it pingpong animation whatever happens and then stops, you probably dont want when leaving a button it abruptly stops animating

    but i will recheck the posibilities, i guess you could use two tweens,

    i will post examples in future

    edit: i think the most dynamic way would be to have a playback mode

    "pingpong stop"

    so when you hover you have an in and out animation with one tween

    its more a feature as you can make it with two tweens... but saves events

  • could this be added to the dictonary, you can only download a link, but is not very effecient, if you want to put the json directly to webstorage

    i then use the local storage to work on it, and kopie the string from the webstorage key to a txt file if i want to keep the content

    i see array has this function but dictonary dont...

  • first off all thanx again for great plugin,

    question, i have multiple buttons, im doing a mouse over start tween, and i want a ping pong effect, but it keeps looping, even when i tell progress=1 > stop

    do i have to use another aproach?

    also i tried, sizetween and ping pong, but the sprite keeps getting larger?

    also tried alpha, when setting target to 0 it doesnt fade to zero, fadin up seems to work, and same thing ping pong keeps looping

  • glad you like it :)

  • i have recently been looking at the "is between angle" system , and had many difficulties, but now i found how to do it and can be used very well in this example


  • one thing that is wrong that i can find, is you are loading variables on the character from the loading screen, but the character is not set to global, so it wouldnt receive any of the data

  • object release = mouse is over object + on left button released

  • example

    main eventsheet connected to all layouts and pauzescreen,

    in main evensheet you include the pauze eventsheet

    to work with multiple layouts we will need a global var "currentlayout"

    i made an event: onstart layout + layoutname isnot pauzescreen set currentlayout to layoutname, this will set the global var to current layoutname only when in a level

    now you create 2 buttons, one in pauzescreen that on click will go to layout(name) > ( our global var currentlayout) , and one button that will always go to pauzescreen in the levels