vtrix's Forum Posts

  • i made an example, but with this you should have a system that knows in wich layout you are and wich direction is the next layout

    i saved the vars in a global object >character


    hope it helps,

  • can you show the capx...

  • yesterday i created an example exactly as you describe


    but the only thing missing, is that you cant create the object based on this "name" , if this would be possible, you would only need one event and a compare function, to create all objects, there would also be less need for replacing objects in eventsheet

  • im really questioning the likeness someone will reverse engineer, this would be generally hard to do and a good programmer can probably recreate the behavior faster on its own, but keeping this into account i suggested making an object by a variable "name" or something else

    using frames is a workaround, at the end of the day you want things collide with objects, with there own set of animations and frames

    the whole system is setup around using objects, why make things hard and make it so that whenever you want to reference this object you need to include "is on this frame"

    an example would be an editor, where you want the least amount of duplicated objects (for maintenance), you simple make a menu out of the objects, when clicked on the object it creates that object by getting the var name, this with one action for all objects!

    not 20 or more create actions, creating that specific object + every object that gets introduced

  • does this help?


    instant creation


  • Hey dude! , if the game was, trow some noodles to the ground i would have won really hard

    so my general critic is, its a bit difficult for the moment, i got level 1 and 5 (lucky shot)

    so needs some balancing

    ps: i see the bug with slightly moving objects is still there, (only with minify)

  • having a "create object with var name" would greatly benefit eventing, it would simplify events,+ be more dynamic, like been said, using animations or frames is not always an option or the preferred choice, i really hope something like this gets implemented

  • i love it, really good work, love the little nuances, like the bending of the body when you come close with the cursor, really smooth

    i hope you make something playable with it, doesnt have to be complex, i like to shoot something :)

    ps: love the bullettime action !

  • idd may add that the set animation is a string, so you can add a variable to it

    global var: languagselect = "eng"

    set animation to languagselect & "_manupage"

    so this way you only need the one action to set the correct animation name , depending on the global var, it will select the right animation

  • this example shows you how to compare multiple objects by varname

    by looping tru a family of objects and comparing the namevar


    does this help?

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  • well it would be counterproductive if i need a system to create the blockers, i created them with the correct 64*64 snap to grid, so position seem to be all correctly snapped,

    i checked the position of the crossed block, (192, 320) this is correct

    ill give you the capx, so maybe you can check what could be wrong or do further testing, no hurry really, its a sideproject tho im looking for a dependable solution, and this one seems very close...


  • ive made further testing, im now testing finer movement, works pretty good but there is one thing i dont understand, there is one block that they seem to ignore completely, you can probably tell by looking at example, im thinking maybe this is the first block or something?? i'm not sure

    ps: some blocks just get hit by the follow movement, but for one block this is not the case

    edit: its not the first instance, i tested it


  • Hey man! you make my day, it works silky smooth, yey! thanks for the update, i will post the example if i got everything sorted out, some things to work out still... thanx again for superb plugin!

  • great plugin, im experimenting with this pathfinder, with multiple agents, it already works but it keeps jamming and gives an error in chromeconsole

    its a bit hit and miss sometimes it crashes in first seconds, mostly under 30 seconds ( i have speed up the runs, but slow crashes too)

    someone any thought on the error, not sure if its the plugin or something else


  • im trying to recreate a behavior in another capx,

    theres currently no way to copy a family, wich means you have to recreate it with all the variables associated

    i was wondering if it could be made that one simply drag items from the projectlist to a new one, or maybe there are other plans to copy to a new project, like copying all depended files and vars from a selected eventlist(this would be awesome)

    could this be added to the neverending todolist <img src="smileys/smiley12.gif" border="0" align="middle" />