Vilehead's Forum Posts

  • Irbis

    Ahh! So this?

    Hmm and the resolution should be 740 by 480 :O

    is that what you needed?

    ummm yes and no ^^ but thats mostly because of my limited english.

    Now is 10:10PM for me already and i am going to bed soon so ill do the graphics tomorrow and we'll see if its what you are looking for

  • >

    > > Irbis

    > > i would gladly take the offer haha! i'll let you know when im done!

    > >


    > sure! ill be glad to help!

    > just give me the orgins, resolution and theme + commentary and i am ready to go !


    oh! sorry im still new using Construct and i have no idea what those are

    you dont need to know Construct for this one

    Basicly provide me with the original graphic objects you used (like that metal boxes all around the place) then tell me resolution you want them to be (like your screen or an image resolution, like 1024/768 ) and just tell me if you have any special desires for the graphics to be

  • Irbis

    i would gladly take the offer haha! i'll let you know when im done!

    sure! ill be glad to help!

    just give me the orgins, resolution and theme + commentary and i am ready to go !

  • looks tasty!

    if you would want some graphical help or domr music leave me a PM.

    Of course that doesnt mean i dislike them ^^ just offering my service

  • Honestly i dont recall any thread talking about save/load system

    A quick search only gave me :

    Simple use of an .ini file

    INI protection

    But i saw in another thread u dont want to use INI files so :/

    ps. added 12 links

    what about hash tables? this cannot be read by second party person.

    Adn thank you

  • [quote:195pzdxm]irbis, what can you do?

    [quote:195pzdxm]I do all the graphics, models, sprites, animations, the system, storyline, basic stuff in construct. My friend Ozi is responsible for all the SFX and music.

    if you reply in a thread i assume you have read it all, or at least the opening post.

    If you read the opening post you would know the answear for your question.

    so you either didint bothered to read the topic and you jump into false conclusion, or actualy you did and now you are just trying to make me look bad like i have NO skills at all and i am unable to create any assets for any game, and so - scare off any possible helpers.

    your imput is hardly an imput at all. your post cathers no usefull informations. you do not add anything constructive to the thread. you totaly ignore the thread advertisment specification. And at any civilized forums i know this would earn you at least an official warning. And if someone would dig deep enough and discover that you actualy follow me whenever i go on this forums with your constant bashing it would propably earn you even something more.

    If you really would like to help anybody or argue with me - you would write this post as a PM.

  • statement "No one cares on the internet" is false. but it still sadden me, each and every time i bump into this so harmfuly popular statement. internet is not diffrent then real world as there are the same living breathing human beings involed. there is a small minority that actualy "cares". both in real and over the internet. i am one of them. and the majority? i dont give a s**t about majority.

    saying that everything over the internet is ******** is as false as saying that we are all just a bounch "chat-bots" not a living, feeling creatures.

    [quote:22kcxzxb]Hate to ask here, but are there any .INI tutorials worth checking out on the forum?

    no. only for storing basic stats. not for loading levels from it. at least i havent found anything after a solid 2h of digging so i might be wrong.

  • [quote:gbgsx8xs]After like 3 years of using Klik n' Play, Click n' Create, TGF, Jamagic, MMF, MMF2, GM, Construct, and attempting python & C++, I'm stunned and saddened by how small progress I've made and how huge my own limitations are, HOWEVER I've come a long way, worked with a lot of people, and made close to 50 games (cough..'engines' and unfinished games at least) and am pretty happy to have gotten this far.

    Davioware is right; 3 months IS absolutely nothing when it comes to this stuff. I've been working with Construct since last june, and even though I've made a number of projects with it I've still barely grazed the surface.

    you guys really should stop throwing everybody into one bucket. i know my limitations and so i aim at simple games. Not everything can be learned by everyone- and anybody who claims diffrent, is just plain wrong. the whole (needless) discussion so far is me saying "no i cant" and you saying "yes you can". just writen in a diffrent form. lets drop it - please.

    [quote:gbgsx8xs]INI is pretty simple, and Construct pretty much handles it for you. If you don't like INI try arrays, if you don't like those try hashtables, if you don't like those either then hell I dunno, make a game that doesn't require saving or use Construct's save thing lol.

    You should know better then i do - that INI files can be both viewed and modified, array - as ive said just too offten - is fine, as long as i store only the stats with them, hachtables in the other hand... well, thats quantum physics for me, right, there. Construct Save/Load is left broken from 2 years.

    and game without saving progress... brings back memories when i owned ATARI ST.

  • Why are you acting like someone has died, you could have just asked people 'how do I make a save game' instead of this melodramatic 'all hope is lost' talk.

    you dont know me, you dont know the background. and yes, for me - as ridiculous as it might sound for you - the matter is dead serious.

    i am really growing tired of this. is this your imput? THIS is your contribution...? being cynical and arogant? what the hell is this? 4chan?

    ive seen your previous post which shows that you have no real knowledge about Construct, yet - you come over here lecturing me? have some manners.

    i am not an emo. i dont feed on others pity. i state things as they. if i am saying i am desperate - i am desperate. if i say this is my only hope - it IS my only hope. i KNOW how to play violin (in theory) but i have no SKILLS to play the violin.

    is this really so hard to understand? i am pro at writing poetry, my bud in the other hand has arm-muscle bigger then my head. i dont expect him to write a poem, and he dont expect me to lift more weight then him.

  • irbis needs no hugs. He needs slapped. *slaps irbis*

    Now that that is out of the way. Making a save system is actually really really simple. You just take some global variables (like your character stats) and write them to a .ini using the .ini object.

    1) Set ini file's path (remember to create a .txt in notepad and rename it .ini)

    2) Write your variables

    3) Done


    4) Not done, put in something that loads the ini again when you start your layout or game or something via the below

    5) Set your global variables to their counterparts in the .ini using "Set global variable to (INI object) "Get string" or "Get Value"

    6) Actually done.

    This is partly off the top of my head. It may vary a tiny bit.

    Edit: The slap part was just humorous. Opposite of a hug/tough love kind of joke. Just adding this in case it was lost in the black abyss that is the limitations of text.

    theres actualy no detailed tutorial about this. and just with the guidelines and theory i couldnt get far. But even so - i dont want INI file to be there and open for players who could cheat the game by editing the INI or even see whats "behind the stage". Even playing with CRC32 will only protect the INI from being modified - but not from being viewed. But even if this would be good solution - i still dont know how to do that, and nothing on this forums or wiki helped me figure it out. Besides. Making my own save/load system is assigning a value to liteary every aspect of the game. Not only the stats but also, where they are, what they are, where are the monsters, where is the player. Its also forces an array usage for level. I cant just dump stuff and call it a level as i did in past. Now i would need to find a way to actualy write the whole level with all the raw data.

    Belive me. At this day, at this moment. I simple cannot learn how to do that. From various reason. ConstructWiki being badly writen and dated, total mess on the forums which makes preety much impossible to find anything i need, no visiual style tutorials or tutorials writen in a way i dont understand, me being limited, my aweful math.

    Thats why i am asking NOT for someone to actualy MAKE the game for me. Just helping me connect FEW things here and there.

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  • one is still left unasweared

    [quote:1ml2wky2]how to make the game detect if the file was altered?

  • James if you would bump any tutorials regarding alternative game save/load methods please add the links here. this thread is my bookmarks

  • R0J0hound. Why are you not a part of Scierra dev team? or at least some kind of official "community supporter".

    Thank you champ =) i just hope more people woud be like you

  • i am preety sure i know myself alot better then you Davioware.

    Especialy in case of my limitations. And i have more free time per day then you have per week. I could afford even 10h in row with Construct, per day.

    And as i said - dont argue with something that only I can be 100% sure about.

    If you dont intend to help - just leave this topic be, without throwing names. This is not helping. only makes me feel more misrable.

    Also, as much as i am greatfull for warm and friendly words Namre please lets not turn this thread into "Irbis need a hug" thread

    But thank you.