Vilehead's Forum Posts

  • awwww what a cute thing!

    what animal is this? it looks like some kind of wolf-variation but then again - it has vertical pupils.

  • Bear in mind that regular, generic people are rather dumb and easy to control. You wont gain their interest or support when speaking with inteligence and bare facts (otherwise - G.Bush would never become a president ;P ).

    So you - as an inteligent person - should go "above" this popular shape made for masses and just focus on the raw information thats writen betwen the lines.

    And you should. If you dont want to wake up one day and discover that you are actualy living in Goerge Orwell's world


    Watch it.


    "Net Neutrality" sounds technical, robotic, and over all our heads. But what it translates into affects us all. Net Neutrality really means "Internet Freedom". The freedom for you to put up what you want when you want to and have it seen equally by everyone in the world. It means what you put up has as much chance of being seen as something created by a major corporation. It's innovation from the ground up in the truest sense. It's the American Way.

    This is how most of the biggest success stories on the Internet started. Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, and even Google all started as simple websites that anyone could browse to as easily as their competitors at the time. In some cases these garage projects were able to topple established competition. One day they may be toppled by something even more advanced, useful, and innovative by someone working out of their garage. It could be you.

    But if Internet Service Providers (ISPs) have their way, new services would have a lot harder time getting started. ISPs like Comcast, Verizon, and Time-Warner have their own internet services like search, news, streaming video, and Internet phone that they want you to use. If they can control what information can run get to their customers and what can't then they can force you to use their services while blocking others. That stifles competition innovation before it can even start. That's not the way we American's work.

    Net Neutrality is Patriotism

    We invent it, we produce it, and then we sell it on an open market. That's the method of innovation American's have been using for centuries. It's up to our customers to decide what works and what fails. The Internet makes that process easier than ever. It's the basis of that "New Economy" you're always hearing so much about: the Internet economy that, even in these hard times, makes the American economy the strongest in the world right now.

    Without Net Neutrality it will be established businesses that determine what you can produce and market. Your work can only reach the world with their approval and on their terms. It sounds like something that could happen in North Korea, but it's happening here in the USA.

    Comcast didn't invent the Internet. The Internet was created with tax payer dollars. ISPs have been given the ability to make money serving it to us. We pay them handsomely for that access and ISPs made more this year than any other. If Verizon or Time Warner can freely make money from the Internet then we should be able to as well.

    Net Neutrality is Not Censorship

    A recent Rasmussen poll showed that most people believe Net Neutrality will lead to the kind of censorship of the Internet we currently see on network television. Nothing could be further from the truth. Net Neutrality seeks to keep the Internet exactly as free as it is today.

    Right now the most egregious censorship is committed by content providers. So called "walled gardens" like Apple's App Store frequently censor content based on arbitrary and confusing rules. Apple has refused entrance of mainstream magazines, dictionaries, and even Pultzer winning editorialists for not complying with their content rules or by allowing access to "undesirable" web sites.

    Net Neutrality is Bipartisan

    Whether it's the Tea Party or the Green Party, grassroots political movements exist because they have as much chance of reaching people on the Internet as the Big Two. And even the Democrats and the Republicans need the little guy and his blog, or the soccer mom and her forum to spread their ideas. If new sites have trouble popping up then so do their ideas. And what happens if your political or religious ideals break with the values of your service provider? They can make things even harder for you. Simply because we don't know if our speech will be the one to get the cut, we have to fight to protect all speech. Net Neutrality does just that.

    [just wanted to share. it doesnt affect me directly as i live in central europe but... you know. The thing stars in one place and then more ISP's and countries leech the idea]

  • Well. I dont know if this isnt too much to ask but...

    Randomly Generated Levels and Techniques Used

    Think diablo, or Desktop Dungeon.

    Not a word about the sprites or graphics - just the mechanism.

    Making randomly generated map is damn easy. but setting some guidelines? thats something diffrent which i am still learning.

    Like using array for that. Or just PV's and Random(number), or droping a "drill" object with random or semi-predetermined pattern which will set the cross tiles.

    All of this is hard by itself as for top-down, ISO levels. But for a platformer? thats beyond my limits of thinking.

    Any topic regarding procedural generation will get instant-bookmarket by me.

    I would like a tutorial for a very custome event-based behaviours too. Something more then left-right-jump thing. For example - anybody played Castlevania saga? sliding, slide-kick from air, uppercut and all other fansy movements. Or another one - call me an idiot but i dont have ANY idea how to make "jumping" for a top-down or ISO game. especialy as the jumping would be used to go across a ground obstacle for e.g

  • actualy i like the tileset and especialy the caveman dude it kind a.... nostalgic ^^

  • wth? what is this? topic with material THIS usefull an barely no replies????

    This is genius!!! This should be a part of Constructor package as a default tutorial.

  • i remember a Resources Plugin i think did that too.

  • [quote:1lw53xkk]I am shocked people would like to see it made though, I wasn't banking on that, so that blew up in my face *grins*. I think it should be a Ghost Shooter clone!

    as i said - the only thing i am lacking are character graphics.

    the ones i have are just very bad.

  • why so serious? O_o

  • Try Construct 3

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  • not without a cap file

  • actualy - i think i did something wrong. forgoten that you dynamic moving direction.

    are you sure its okey lol?

    sorry - it works perfect with just 8-direction movement ^^

  • Are you using a behaviour for that or do you made your own custome constrols? because in case of Custom Constrols it would be very easy to fix By just setting the Custome Control as a sub-even under condition

    IF object position x<0

    IF object position x>[number of your level width]

    IF object position y<0

    IF object position y<[number of your level hight]

    just like this:

    is that what you meant?

    if yes now you can kick that ugly "blocking" objects and gain some VRAM

  • > because for some reason i cant get it to work


    Sounds like you might have to look into TimeDelta to me.

    Edit: removed quotehell

    Thats the problem ^^ i sometimes forget to use TimeDelta when making custome controls or stuff and then i end up with a pause that actualy "pauses" only a part of the game aspects.

    In the other hand i would like something like when you use "Layout" object. It automaticly freezes previous layout. (at least it was)

  • Just trying to figure out the rules.

    Or are making them up as we go along?... I just cant tell anymore.

    Actualy you should be greatful that there is no rules set in stone...

    As for the topic.

    I am trying to figure it out about what this game could be?

    The idea is quite crazy. Crazy enough for someone to actualy use it for real. But what type of game it would be? Manager ? With some RPG elements? How the game would progress and what would be the end goal? would there be any? or maybe let the game be as a platformer? or topd down where you run rampage around town fighting old people?

    half-serious and half-joking. If executed properly there might be a game made out of this.

    Ahh what a shame i dont have any sprites for old people =(

    Actualy running around town and bashing Old People+some kind of Scores for which you gain power ups and upgrades (baseball bat? Boxing gloves? Golf club?). Then the enemies throwing their artificial jaws at you, or old ladies smacking you with their umbrella. No gore, no blood. In good old comix style. With funny cartoonish sounds.

    Gosh... i starting to imagine a game like this... and it makes me wanna play it

  • > you can also make the menu on a diffrent layout as long as your level has nothing set on layout startup. I do this because i hate timescale ^^


    How do you set everything back the way it was when you return to the game? It's easier to just set timescale to 0. It's the most simple pause method available and works quite well. BTW, why do you hate timescale?

    because for some reason i cant get it to work

    And what do you mean by set everything back? O.o when i come back it remains unchanged.