Vilehead's Forum Posts

  • What can I say? Being older and making games is... Painful. Painful enough to make me want to quit every now and then. At least once each month.

    You are making a simple game. A game that normally would take you up to a week to develop. But then your kid gets sick. And have to stay home. For a week. Then YOU get sick. And being sick - you still keep yourself glued to the chair. Trying to code in what you have in mind. Falling asleep on your own keyboard. Then your wife gets sick too. And working becomes very annoying. You have troubles focusing.

    Once all the sickness are gone - you go back to work. But you have to do laundries. Shopping. You have to clean dishes, floor. Cook some dinner for the family. Pay the rent, the bills. Then you get into a fight with your wife. And this leaves you pissed and exhausted. You loss all the motivation to code. You have troubles thinking straight.

    Due to game delay, your bank account gets dry. And you have to stop the developing and take some casual jobs, to earn some quick cash. Meanwhile your fans are emailing you. Your facebook account needs attention. Twitters twists like mad. People are asking what's going on. And you have neither time or stamina to reply. Even if they are dear to you. Then the your building administrators, in where you live, decides that the gas pipes needs to be replaced. They rip the walls, the floors. You cannot work. Harsh noise of drills interrupts your every thinking, concentration. You go outside. For a walk. You recharge batteries. Come back and continue fighting.

    Then you have to get your kid from preschool. Do some homework with him. Play with him. Trying to raise and teach this young human being how to be a good man. Then evening comes. You finally have some time to work again. But the TV is right next to you. So you put headphones on and play some loud music. The music is to distract you from the TV right next to you, but it also gets in the way distracting your own mind. You are exhausted. 10:00 PM comes, and you stop working and watch a movie with your wife. Then you go to bed and fall asleep like a dead body. At the morning you wake up. Make breakfast for everybody. Take your kid to preschool and back to work. Day by day. Week after week. Month after month.

    And suddenly your "One Week game" is getting finished.... In 8 weeks. Its not polished or optimized. And you are just freaking burned out. You have no stamina left to patch and polish the game. You just want to get rid of it already. Publish it and forget. Move to the next project. Because you already started to hate your game.

    Good things happens for a change. The game goes a bit viral. You gain fans and followers. But the game due to lack of time and funding and stamina ended up maybe 1/10 of what you wanted to develop. So you promise part 2. A sequel. A good one this time. With HD graphics, awesome audio, rich gameworld and story, standalone, in fullscreen. Not some ****** embed on Newgrounds or Kongregate. But you know you cannot afford such project on your own. You cannot afford spending 6 months to develop such game. So you look for a publisher, an investor.

    You finally find one. He is all hyped and everything. Promises you golden mountains. Speaks with you via phone and IRL for hours. And then you get the papers. You read the papers. And its all ***** So you discard the publisher. You look for another one. Same story. All hype and then ****** papers. You starting to get heartbroken. You decide you'll go crowdfunding. But you have no access to Kickstarter so you are forced to use inferior IndieGoGo.

    You slowly prepare for the campaign. You read billions of arts, FAQ, post mortems and tutorials. You ask for advices from fellow, successful developers. You take notes. And you finally get to work. You make a tech-demo of the Sequel. You compose and master Soundtrack. You write script for the trailer. Then you record the trailer. You master it, polish. Upload to all media. You prepare the presskit. Graphics for the campaign. You write hell load of content. Spellcheck them like a extreme grammar nazi. And you are finally ready. You wait till the beginning of the month. You start spreading the hype. And then you click the launch button. And it goes live. The fire is burning. And you are burned out.

    You answer emails, messages, twists. Dozens of them. Daily. You observe how little cash is flowing in at IndieGoGo. And you feel sad. But you cannot give up. You have a wife and son. Quitting is not an option. So you keep on pushing. Trying not to ask the difficult question. Ignoring the what's coming. Hoping its a mirage.

    You keep doing what you were doing. Making more buzz on the net. Using all sort of cheap tricks, guerrilla tactics, grayhatting. Everything. You throw out everything you got. One of you fans, out of pure devotions - donates money to you. So you can buy a developer pass on Steam. You cry. Because this is the first bright thing that happens. On a pitch black canvas of your situation.

    But everything still fails.

    Half way to your target goal someone donates a huge amount of money for the campaign. You rush to thank him. As it appears, he is a rich guy. And he believes in you. You talk via Skype with him. For hours. Two of you cry, laugh, joke around. And a shy spark of hope is starting to ignite in your heart. The guy wants to fund your projects. Forever. Because he believes in you. Due to amount of stress and hardship you had been enduring past months, you lower your guard. And that's your mistake.

    After some time, the investor starts to smell weird. You Xray him. And find all sorts of nasty facts. Facts you cannot deny. Its over. Your game gets Greenlit. But long after IndieGoGo ends and fails. You don't have funds to actually develop the game. And your Greenlit game profile becomes a tombstone. A monument of what will not happened. At least, not anytime soon.

    So you go to the store, buy a bottle of vodka. Which you normally never drink. And you get wasted. You shout, you cry, you fall into depression. Night ends, morning comes. You pull yourself back in one piece. And you start a new project. Rise and repeat.


    And repeat.

    From mathematical standpoint - you have to success. Sooner or later. It will come. Even a monkey will write Shakespeare if you give it enough time. At least that's what you are holding to. Because at this point, after so many years - you have nowhere else to go. Developing games is all you can do and all you want to do. The only hope for a better life. For you, your wife, you kid, your old mother. The only hope. Which you ceased to believe in, long time ago. But you are on this train with a One-Way ticket. And there is no coming back. So you keep riding the train. Giving out everything you got. Doing everything you can. Hoping for the best. Praying it'll be enough.


    Well lol YEAH! Being a an adult with a family and age and game developer - is a pain in the **** Its a fun ride at times. But those moments are rare and precious. Mostly after publishing a game. Reading feedback and interacting with the players is also great. The coolest thing is when your kid is playing your games with all the "Wows!" on his face. Thats one of the brief moments when you really feel that you are fighintg the good fight.



    w00t! 400th post!

  • thats weird. did you tried this in test mode too? Because in test mode it works flawless for me.

  • Well, thank you imaffett

    Some android users get crazy about permissions <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

    Xwalk went rather full retared on this. Have a look: ... on-android

    just look at those perms, its madness.

    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WAKE_LOCK" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />[/code:t6mkspwh]
    I would like to add that this is very devastating because if your game is not newest Fallout or GTA - no SANE mind will install or run an App that ask for such perms. A game that wants such permisions smells of spyware and will fail misrably on Google Play the moment the user base will notice. Which is awful because people will discard your game even before actualy playing it <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_sad.gif" alt=":(" title="Sad"> to be honest I WOULD never instal/run such application myself.
    the guy in the link ive provided at the start gave a solution. You just need to kick out most of the permisions and leave only those intact:
    [code:t6mkspwh]<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />[/code:t6mkspwh]
    But a question, from a Construct 2 user - how the heck can i do that? Where is it in .APK after export?
    I tried and the places where those permis are are in [b]AndroidManifest.xml[/b] and [b]classes.dex[/b].
    The problem is: you cannot do anything with them. Changing or erasing those permits values lead to the App lossining its functionality as the android on your mobile will tell you that it has some "Analyze Error" and wont instal the app.
    Great. Just great. In 3 days i am publishing a new game on Google Play and this pops in... >_> 
    [h2]EDIT 2:[/h2]
    Okey so I think I've figured it out... But this is nightmare.
    METHOD 1:
    1. Export your Construct 2 via Intel XDK + Crosswalk as you did before
    2. Unpack .apk into folder
    3. Decompile AndroidManifest.xml
    4. Change permisions
    5. Recompile AndroidManifest.xml again. But now its not "signed" anymore, and won't instal on mobiles.
    6. Get it "signed"
    7. Pack the files back into .apk again and get the .apk "Zipsigned". 
    The last two step can be done with this tutorial:
    [url=] ... id-app-apk[/url]
    Took me about an [b]hour [/b]to finish. 
    METHOD 2:
    1. Pinpoint Crosswalk HQ
    2. Put it on fire  <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_evil.gif" alt=":evil:" title="Evil or Very Mad"> 
    3. Refuse to put down the fire untill they'll come up with a solution or means for us to change the permisions setting by ourself.
    @Ashley ? @Tom ? Maybe you guys have any idea where to start? I know its neither your fault or C2 related, but you have brains bigger than my, maybe you can come up with something.
  • >

    > > Additional details have been sent to your account owner's email address

    > >


    > What'd the additional details say?


    hey the problem was solved ! i had some batman and superman logos removed

    hahahaha! good one!

  • I would really avoid this "publish" thing but since it's the only way I can preview games on android without spending 100 dollars I have to go through this pain...

    What I'd like to do is uploading the game to a site only I and a few select can access, maybe one that is hosted on a local server or a free web hosting site with a "only visible to me" feature.

    Alternatively, can you help me on how to upload a game to a weebly site? I heard I have to embed the code or something (probably the code included inside an html file) but how about the files/folders, shouldn't I upload those too? I'm confused by the tons of guides I read

    Thanks in advance.

    if its a game for browsers then Gamejolt, Kongregate and Newgrounds. Specially Newgrounds is great for this thing as you can even manage betatesters and they give you some personal hosting space with unlimited bandwitch

  • lurker reporting in lol.

    Very interested about that alternatives from the OP question.

  • Dum dum dum! Lemme just drop it here :3

  • i would like this ^_^

  • Bump! Animmaniac

  • tl;dr

    > Of course Maybe something worth for them to invest in.


    If you expect more (or "better") support and Scirra hiring ppl to support you and your projects, then you have to expect higher product prices (of course, one has to cover the cost). But if the product gets pricey, you start complain on the price, because the product hadn't changed that much? (look at GameMaker, up to 800 USD!)

    I like the idea of asking some of the mods here to contribute, either pro bono or for some bucks and the reputation. Might help to filter out the real C2 problems.

    You are talking like they would still be a garage devs. I believe they are more then enough capable to finance couple more workers.

  • You still haven't provided a use case. I don't think there is any technical reason "Force own texture" should increase the CPU usage, only GPU usage. So I want to see a .capx proving this, otherwise we're adding a feature for the wrong reason, or no reason at all.

    Seen that one coming. So predictable. W/e.

    Protip: summer is comming. Use some of the vaccation time and develop a game using your own software. From start to finish. Publishing - included. All platforms.

    You will quickly discover how many User's feature requests will suddenly start making sense.

    So we finaly won't need to explain the obvious, every bloody time. Believe it or not - but some of us are not teenagers and have ambition to produce something more then Cookie Clickers and Flappy Birds.

    One example/use case.

    Erase Mask ON/OFF.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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    • Post link icon

    Bumpy! I'll be needing this very soon.

  • Bump. Can you guys FINALY add this...? Ashley Tom

  • Ashley

    I see you mention "we" here and there on occasion in reference in work needing to be done on Scirra's behalf ... but not to nag or anything, isn't it just you atm ?

    I mean, we hardly ever see Tom .. which is supposedly busy with the new arcade/site for over a year.

    That is taking some serious time, perhaps have him develop some fully deploy-able games for all platforms instead and outsource the web development.

    Because you, Ashley, read/post, write blogs, bug check, develop, give email/forum support, and keep your tech knowledge up to date ....

    You seem to be running the show alone. (not meant negatively)

    How is 'getting the new help' coming along ?

    You have a couple very capable moderators here, would it not it be an idea to look at them for some paid assistance on professional level ?

    Even if it was for official forum support, capx file checking etc ... some of these things can take up enormous amounts of time.

    Things like, primarily bug checking, case studies with games with lag/jank/overall performance issues, etc, all the things the developer really should not be doing. They (hired moderators/new function) could be the front line, (first line) for most of these problems, and if they filtered through it, recognizing a problem being more then a users mistaken logic ... then they could pass it to you ... I am guessing that could free up at least 1 day a week on your development time.

  • So now it's turned into attacks on both personnel and product support!


    I don't really like the word "attacks". Its like you are implying something.