tumira's Forum Posts

  • lucid maybe you can assist or check with IntelRobert on this ?

  • Thanks Burvey

  • xanxion

    Does UgamesFree.com allows or accept game with ads in them (like leadbolts)


  • Thanks Burvey

    The game has been exposed to about 100 game portals. So far I generated average about 20USD perday. However this could be because of holiday season, so the actual average number can only be calculated after new year.

    Just to share ,for my webhosting, luckily I subscribed the ultimate package (infinite bandwidth per month) because the game just released to the game portals(4 days ago) and its already more than 84GB bandwidth clocked.

  • Thanks mbuck

  • Thanks onur

  • Hi

    The assets was done using Inkscape. It was fun doing a puzzle game, the toughest one was when doing the level design. I dont want the game to be too easy, but I dont want it to be too difficult. Hope you enjoy it as much as how I enjoyed designing this game. The game has about 30 levels.


    <img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/65841566/Screenshots/MunchieBob/MunchieBobScreen1.png" border="0">

    <img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/65841566/Screenshots/MunchieBob/MunchieBobScreen2.png" border="0">

    <img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/65841566/Screenshots/MunchieBob/MunchieBobScreen3.png" border="0">

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • http://www.theverge.com/2013/12/18/5220530/logitech-powershell-and-moga-ace-power-review

    Well, they started selling IOS7 Game controller already. Few question would be

    1)Does CocoonJS support IOS Game Controller API ?

    2)Does Crosswalk(Android only) \Intel AGI support it ?

    3)Any browser support it Safari, Chrome?

    4)Does Construct 2 GamePad Object works well with it ?

    What do you think ?

    My opinion would be that any platformer type of game would be awesome with it.

  • Anybody got any screenshot to confirm this ?

  • Bl4ckSh33p ArcadEd

    Dont forget about the parallax value. If you dont use it, just set it to 0,0. On start of layout just centered to your screen using scroll to.

    After that it should be centered. I`m using Scale Outer and my games currently support fullscreen on Android (Galaxy S3) and Ipad 4.

    For using scale outer, you have to make sure that the background is extra big than the window size. My window size is 320x480 but I have to make sure that the background fully covered my Ipad resolution.

    Just put important game content in the 320x480 , on the outer maybe put trees , stone or something which dont effect gameplay. Kinda like framing a picture.

    So far I , except my first two games I think all my newer game should be fullscreen and no black bar.

    I just dont like letterbox scale and the black bars, and I dont understand why Scale Outer is kinda hated by people. :)

  • beufreecasse

    That is how ios safari works. The sound will only played after first touch.

  • ArcadEd

    This is probably one of the HTML5 game with cool graphics that I played.

    Very good. Are you planning to release on IOS/Android or just looking for game sponsors ?

    I`m a bit worries about this news though

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    We probably need to up our animation and graphic quality in game.

  • beufreecasse

    Try this

    clear browser cache,

    is the wav file mono or stereo ?

    convert the audio to 22khz using audacity.

    So far I dont have any problem with ios or android device.

  • Anybody here familiar with BoosterMedia API ? Seems like kinda hard to implement with Construct 2 game engine ?

    Mind share how do you do it ?


  • lucid

    Which is the latest plugin? Is it in this forum or brashmonkey forum ?
