Tokinsom's Forum Posts

  • I've set the wait time to 0.1 and its still too slow.

    You can make it quicker, like 0.05.

  • You can store the animation frame number in an instance variable, then retrieve it later.

  • Welcome to indie game development ^^;

    Well that's a shame; I was looking forward to Yokai and Blot. Maybe you could try more advertising? I don't recall seeing Yokai or Blot anywhere but these forums and a couple other sites.

  • Bummer. Don't get me wrong but do you guys really NEED funding to develop these games? They're relatively small and, cmon, you're using Construct :P On top of that you could probably find more people to help out. Hell I (and others) offered but you seemed to have everything under control ;)

  • <img src="" border="0" />

    From left to right..

    4:3   (320x240)

    16:9 (400x225)

    16:10 (360x225)

    else 4:3 (360x225)

    My monitor is 16:9 (1920x1080). I messed with the display resolutions a bit but everything I tried still distorts the sprite.

  • It seems 8 out of 10 posts I make return an "Error Connecting To Server" and I'm brought to an error page. If I go back, my message is gone. I've made a habit of copying all my messages before I send them, but still, it's really annoying! -copies text-

  • The question is: How costly would it be to have somebody EDIT an already existing sprite? I only need this one character edited, nothing else. Surely it cannot be anywhere near the prices for starting from scratch?

    Editing sprites is sometimes more difficult than making them from scratch.

    On a side note, if your game is free, then why are you willing to pay someone for the work? That's absurd!

  • Distorts the sprites here. There's no blur, thankfully, but the pixels on your sprite & text are all different sizes.

  • I've told you 3 times D:

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Sorry for the lack of updates! We've been busy over the holidays and progress has slowed a bit now that the competition is over.

    Anyhow, we've been thinking about re-designing a few things. A lot of the enemies and characters were kind of uninspired since we were rushing to meet the deadline, so yeah.. Here's an idea we had for a new Bumper!

    <img src="" border="0" />

    Also, some quick concept art for the minions..

    <img src="" border="0" />

    Credit to Betatronic.

  • BEAUTIFUL game! I loved it!

    Sorry to ask, but it's been bothering me; how did you make so the sprites didn't get blurry? I always draw little sprites too, but if I stretch them on C2 everything gets so blurry.

    Did you just make them twice or thrice as bigger on the tool you're using to draw them? Or is there another way..?


    Well I use Google Chrome with GPU Accelerated Canvas 2D enabled, which allows me to zoom in (ctrl+mousewheel) without blurring the graphics. I also keep WebGL disabled as it makes the graphics blurry regardless of sampling option..pretty sure it's broken.

    The graphics are not scaled up at all. If you do that, then objects will appear to move by fractions of an in-game pixel, which looks really bad!

  • "Cut The Rope runs best in the newest version of Internet Explorer for Windows 7" I missing something here? I thought IE was -by far- the worst browser for HTML5 (all?) games.

    Also, cute little game!

  • I think F11 + zooming is the best we're going to get.

  • Hmmm..How about this?

    -If far over the ledge: Automatically walk off or do some downwards hop.

    -If barely over the ledge: Automatically walk backwards until all four legs are on the platform.

  • Illinois. Currently in Tennessee though. Yeehaw :<