Tokinsom's Forum Posts

  • What does that have to do with it? During the shake the scroll offset can only go from -10 to 10, and will stay anywhere in-between until shaketime hits 0. When that happens everything should be reset, setting the scroll position back to the player.

  • +Player.shaketime <= 0

    +Trigger once

    -Set Player.shake to 0

    You just have to get rid of the offset that Player.shake causes when the shake ends.

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  • Open Chrome

    Enter Chrome://Flags in the URL bar and press enter

    Enable "GPU Accelerated Canvas 2D"

    Play your game through Chrome

    Open tools and zoom in (or use Ctrl+mousewheel)

    Voila - Any zoom level with no blurry pixels! Press F11 for added effect.

    Good luck getting your players to get Chrome, though. People are afraid a S.W.A.T. team will bust down their doors 'bout 10 minutes after using it.

  • I've only had one problem with XAudio2, that sometimes after stopping and starting a new sound, sometimes it plays a tiny little bit of the sound that had stopped first.

    Unchecking "Enable Limiter" will fix that :) Drove me nuts before I figured it out lol.

  • Distance(Object1.x,Object1.y,Object2.x,Object2.y) Will give you the distance between 2 objects.

    Could you not simply update the Zombie's waypoint every second or so as your player is moving?

  • Always

    -Set Scrollx to Player.x+Player.shake

    -Set Scrolly to Player.y+Player.shake


    -Subtract 60*dt from Player.shaketime

    -Set Player.shake to -10+random(20)

    +Something happens

    -Set Player.shaketime to 10 or something

    Could use some tweaking to have the shake get weaker over time or be more consistent, but this should do!

  • If you are using webgl enabled, the filtering is automatic.

    Check in layout preferences, and you'll see options to turn webgl off, and set filtering to point, if you want to keep it.

    I think this broke in one of the latest builds. I used to keep WebGL off & pixel rounding on and the graphics would be perfectly fine, even when zooming in Chrome. Now they're blurry regardless of what settings I use.

  • It's due to the elephant/mammoth's platform and physics behaviors conflicting. Remove the physics behavior and it stops shaking. I don't think you can effectively use both on a single object.

  • but eventually konami is going to realize you're taking credit for all their unreleased SNES titles

    to tokinsom, and colonel justice, are these planned as commercial releases?

    lol I guess I asked for that one.

    Actually yeah this was supposed to be my first commercial project. I didn't plan it out very well though so it's kind of a mess right now (the video is from last october) I'm considering using the graphics for a different game; this sounded great on paper but it's not really what I had envisioned. I learned a lot from working on it though.

  • [TUBE]-UJlk0_nXVY[/TUBE]

  • The game is supposed to be difficult but rewarding. I really wanted to err on the side of difficult as opposed to easy. Completing the game is supposed to make you feel like you really accomplished something.

    I understand and appreciate that, and really enjoy challenging games, but this...THIS. La-Mulana and Eternal Daughter weren't even this hard XD

    A lot of it has to do with the controls. I tried JoyToKey but I can't get it to work with my controller's D-pad, which would really help. Got to 1058 feet though, and the 3rd level. Just now learned to harvest spikes and start using the inventory. The "c" graphic above the inventory was kind of vague..

  • Just the 3rd or 4th hatchery. It's too damn difficult :< Between the giant worm and the beetles and the hounds and the difficult controls/mechanics I just can't do it. Still trying though..

    I came close to finishing the 4th hatchery but I forgot to press up at the door, flew right through it, and landed on a beetle. Did the same thing later but landed on the worm. Perhaps simply touching the door could bring you to the next level?

    I really want to say you should lighten up the difficulty a bit (atleast for the Hatchery, that's a hell of a difficulty curve) but it's your game so :) I just fear whatever comes after the hatchery will be entirely impassable, especially to more modern/casual gamers.

  • Just figured out you can change the screen size with F1 through I think F9.

    Also yeah the depixelize effect would be pretty cool here but I'm pretty sure you need to scale up your graphics before importing them for that to work.

    Davioware So, after 3 hours of climbing towers, flying fuzzy balloons, blowing sh*t up, teleporting, running for my life, swimming for my life, being eaten alive, pounced on, bitten, impaled, burned alive, falling to my death, and having my soul eaten, I'm pretty sure this is the best $5 I've spent in a long while XD; There's a lot more to this game than I thought, and I'm pretty sure I've hardly scratched the surface.

  • Got to 654 feet :)

    The Good..

    -Lots and lots of interesting effects

    -Great music & sounds

    -Lovely low-res graphics, although hard to read at times


    -One of the extremely few commercial CC games I've seen. Congrats!

    The Bad.. (well, maybe just things that bothered me a little)

    -Weird controls and no way to customize them. Have you looked into using the input plugin at all?

    -Very Confusing. I dunno what half of what I saw was or what I was supposed to do with it, and sometimes enemies would just burst out of thin air and kick my **** After being so careful and planning all my moves for ~4 levels, that really pissed me off ^^;

    -Entering the keycode and such was kind of weird. Could you not just use edit boxes?

    -Inconsistent sounds. Some were very high quality and nice and others were obviously made with SFXR.

    -Pressing space during the "Davioware" intro and the game over screen restarts the music

    Anyway, I've only played it for about an hour, so I'm sure I'll figure everything out in time!

    Kudos for making it this far ;)

  • Does this only happen in the latest build? Do you use a single event sheet for all the level layouts? Are you sure all the necessary objects are in each layout? Can you post a .capx? Honestly it just sounds like you messed up your events or something somewhere ;)