Tokinsom's Forum Posts

  • Sooo basically it's an insane amount of work that few people are interested in/capable of doing, and each exporter will have to be maintained for as long as C2's lifespan, and there is unbounded room for bugs and inconsistency.

    Sounds great! When do we start?

  • Yeah so my C2 games run substantially better in Chrome than Aurora ^^;

  • lol I tried that too, but my secondary monitor was considerably smaller than my main, so eh. It "worked" but in the end just made it more difficult to navigate C2.

  • I'd create a tool or game in GM the same way I would in Construct. The only difference? I typed the code out in GM and used events in Construct.

    That said, why is one "programming" and the other not? The same techniques are used, the same math is used, if, else, or, and, loops, arrays, strings, functions, the list goes on. Some (a lot?) of this you'd even find in actual programming languages.

    I understand that actual programming languages are a whole other monster and 5,000 times more complex but I'd call that coding before programming.

    Saying there's no programming involved makes people think you clicked a few buttons and slammed your face on the keyboard and ended up with a game. I really hope I'm not the only one who thinks this, especially after spending years figuring this sh*t out ._.;

  • My how time flies.. Happy 1st :)

  • This is why I dont like how the front page says "no programming required". I think it should be "no coding required" as yes, event-based programming is often referred to as "visual programming". I also feel dumb crediting myself as a programmer when people then go to check out construct and see that there is apparently no programming involved ^^;

  • It helps to think in 45� intervals starting at the right

    0 Right


    90 Down


    180 Left


    270 Up


    But then again I made a few Metroidish engines with directional aiming so this has kind of been burned into my brain XD

    Anyway I'm sure some folks might find this useful.

  • Project black sun, dustforce, and dungeon defenders (cant say I see the attraction with that one)

    I really enjoyed PBS but it felt unfinished at times. It relied too heavily on "visual storytelling" which wasnt very good, but everything else was great.

    Dustforce is really cool but I feel it wouldve made a better action/adventure game. Striving for perfection just to progress isnt very fun.

    Dungeon defenders is meh. Another game that wouldve made a better action/adventure. Tower defense is boring.

    Definitely recommend the first two though!

  • I might be interested as my current project is on hiatus. Im at work right now though so ill have to get back to you on that. What about graphics and audio?

  • lol...

  • It's still (technically) in development, people still care about its development, it's still capable of making "serious", complex 2D games, it's still the same old Construct. Yeesh.

    What is it you want to see in CC anyway? Maybe instead of that ^ you could elaborate on features and/or changes you and your project may benefit from? There's probably a chance some of your suggestions may make it into the next build.

    "Personally, I think that Scirra Construct needs to be "reborn" in new form. For example, it may even be a new game maker, new community, etc."

    It was.

  • Tried this before finding Construct. Can't say I'm a fan, but then again I didn't give it much of a chance.

  • You can use TokenAt() to retrieve part of a string so long as there is a delimiter.

    For example, if you have a string "M1,M2,M3"

    then tokenat(string,2,",") will give you "M2"

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • I'd have to recommend Classic. For a Metroidvania type game you'll want to build your own tile-based level editor and load rooms/areas externally, and implement some sort of portal rendering...all of which I'm fairly positive you can't do in C2..yet..or maybe ever?

    Cave Story isn't really a Metroidvania though. It's level-based yet at the same time it's not. Maybe something similar might not be such a hassle in C2, but there's still the tile issue.

    If you don't like the fact that your game will be windows-only, then you might want to try C2. Good luck though ;)

  • 1) File> Save as Single File

    2) You might want to try putting the hotspot (pivot point) at the bottom/middle of each animation frame if you haven't already.