Tokinsom's Forum Posts

  • You can change the bg color in the layer properties. In CC it's in the layout properties..took me a while to figure that one out lol.

  • +1 for emphasizing contrast. It really is one of the most important things in pixel art.

    Here's a sprite I made a while back. My final version was the second from the right, then a friend of mine recolored it. Pretty big difference, eh?

    <img src="" border="0" />

    What I'd really love to see is more tutorials on STARTING a sprite. Once I have an outline or rough figure of what I'm going for, it's pretty easy to finish, but I find getting that outline in the first place to be really difficult.

  • Well we couldn't finish anything in time for the competition, so here's a screenshot instead.

    <img src="" border="0" />

    Up next? Boss fights!

  • Avoid jaggies, pillow-shading, and using too many colors. Don't use all-black outlines (unless you really need things to stick out). Study 8, 16, and 32 bit sprites and learn what's different about them. Practice, practice, practice. That's about it! I actually wouldn't recommend many tutorials. Everyone does things their own way and I've personally never found any tutorials very helpful. They just go over the extreme basics and tell you things you (should) already know over and over again.

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  • Here ya go: Radial_Health_Example.cap

    I'm sure it can be improved if you spend some time with it.

  • O_o...

    Just set the bullet's acceleration property to a negative value, and it will slow down over time.

  • lol couldn't tell ya. This has been a problem for me since I started making games. I've always wanted some sort of condition like so:

    If (Object with value A) collides with (Object with value B) then do something with (Object with value A)

    but I don't think it'll ever happen..can't really say why either, it seems pretty basic.

  • I'd say so. MMF helps with Construct helps with GM helps with Stencyl helps with...yeah...As Ashley said, game logic is pretty much universal. For the most part you're doing the same thing, but in a different way.

  • Still looking forward to playing it when you have it completed :)

    It is still impressive how much you and your team have accomplished in such a short period of time.

    Heh, yeah. I'm surprised we made it this far. Good planning goes a looooong way :)

  • Bah, humbug!

    We don't have time to finish Bumper's Quest for the competition, so we're just gonna submit a miniature, single-level version of the game with a new plot. We will finish the actual game after the competition.

    :< Sad.

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  • "- The most obvious workaround is simply emulating 320x240 in 640x480 resolution with 200% zoom. This is not an optimal solution as it fucks up layer scrolling of layers with 0% scrollrates and allows for "subpixel" graphics on things rendered post-zoom (like particles)."

    Unfortunately that's the best you're gonna get. I've been messing with this for a long time.

    To work around the 0% scrollrate issue, you'll have to position your objects relative to scrollx, scrolly. If you're using Ashley's fullscreen w/ aspect ratio example, then they must be relative to the UI_Origin or



    If you really don't care about blurriness on certain PCs or maintaining aspect ratio, you can try the built-in fullscreen or maybe the window object.

  • Sounds interesting. What is it?

    Detects whether or not an object with the platform behavior is touching a wall to the right or left. You can use detectors in the meantime but yeah..would still be nice to see this in C2 :)

  • <img src="" border="0" />

    2 more levels to go..

  • Works perfectly! Thanks for fixing it so quickly! Now to grind on this game for the 2 days I have off work ^^;