Tokinsom's Forum Posts

  • Erg, it's getting pretty complicated to get everything working, heh. Still, try this one: - is that working for everything now?

    I can imagine :P Well I just tried that one. It fixes both of the previous bugs I mentioned, but now there's another new one. When overlapping a platform while standing on top of another platform, the player thinks it's in the air, like so..

    <img src="" border="0">

    I didn't jump or anything, just walked up to it. I can probably work around this by making the platforms (invisible tiles) 1px thick so the player base doesn't overlap them when standing underneath. Fortunately my character is short enough for this to work. Not sure about the platform enemies though. I'll try that now..

  • Overlapping a jump-thru platform at any point (except when standing on top) causes the player to stop moving horizontally.

    Any quick changes I can make to the platform behavior and/or jump-thru attribute to fix this? Can't really wait a few weeks for a new build with the fun chowder competition and all :)

  • Great job, dude! Keep going update this promising game.

    How long you take for first release? How about the sprites? Have you made it?

    Hopefully it will be finished and released on the 23rd (end of the Fun Chowder competition) but I start my new job tomorrow so yyyyeah..won't have nearly as much time to work on it.

    Graphics were made by Jerom & Betatronic. I just helped with misc stuff and animation.

  • The Wait Object is good for this. You can do something like..

    +Condition is true

    -Wait 1.0 seconds

    -execute action

  • -bonk-

    Just kidding. If I understood correctly, you just want a black background? If so you can go to layer 0 and change the background color in the properties panel at the far left.

    Otherwise, no, there's no image editor in C2 so the best you can do right now is make your image in Gale or Photoshop or something, save it as a .png, then drag and drop it on to your layout. Or just add the object and import an image.


    All of the charge / weapon palettes are near the bottom. You'll have to recolor the main sheet yourself, but it should only take a minute if you have a color replace tool.

  • New Condition > System > Compare 2 values > Object.Platform.VectorX

  • NES Megaman, which uses palette shifting. MMX's charge can be done with a single mask. Guess you can do that here but it would look weird.

  • No like, make 2 alternate Megaman objects (fully animated) that have the alternate palettes for the charge effect. Then, when charging, have a value that loops through 1-3. When it's 1, make the normal mask visible and the others invisible. When it's 2, make the first charge mask visible and the others invisible, and so on.

    Each one of these masks will be set to Megaman's "base" or "collision mask" object and have/use the exact same animations.

    Problem is, Megaman typically has 8 weapons in end, with different palettes to go with them. Those on top of the default palette equals 27 unique, fully-animated Megaman objects if you use this work-around. So again, I highly suggest you don't waste your time with it and just wait until a color-replace shader and some equivalent to the image manipulator plugin are added, because this isn't really possible without them.

  • Megaman doesn't have charging sprites; the effect is achieved by palette shifting, which you can't currently do in C2.

    Until then, you can have 3 different Megaman masks, each with a different palette, and swap between the 3 for a charging effect. I wouldn't recommend it though, since you'll need 3 masks for each weapon.

  • Err that's about as simple as it gets. It'll take 2 minutes!

  • Drag and drop them in to your layout to create 1 sprite object with all 25 images. Set the animation speed to 0. Then go back to the layout, make 24 duplicates, and change the initial frame in the objects' properties.

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  • lol the 90's.

  • how did ya do the sprites

    I didn't actually make any of the sprites aside from the particle effects, birds in the background, etc. I just help animate when Jerom or Beta are busy with other stuff.

    I use Graphics Gale though, and Betatronic uses Photoshop. I'm actually not sure what Jerom uses, but he's really good with it!

  • Before you can add mouse conditions and such, you have to add the mouse object to a layout.

    About the Javascript, I'm not sure. I think there's a plugin for that actually. Just do a quick search around the plugins forum for it!

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