Tokinsom's Forum Posts

  • Hey Braxmule. Would you mind shedding a bit more light on the advertising campaign prize? I'm just a little confused. Fun Chowder is a start-up itself, so by what means will you help promote the winning games? Just curious!

  • You can use .count for this. When creating a new condition, go to System>Compare Two Values> then enter object.count = 0

  • Yeah, just use AppPath & "MusicFolder\MusicFile"

    Make sure the file name is exactly the same, and be sure to include the extension (MusicFile.mp3 or whatever)

  • First, thanks for adding the jump-thru attribute!

    Seems the platform behavior condition "Is On Floor" doesn't work with it though..Unless I'm missing something?

    I edited the example .cap so you can check it out. Download here

  • Tokinsom

    The color and character make it looks really fun, who don't like a penguin and an ice-cream XD

    May i ask a question: what's the purpose of ice-cream, i just so curious about it :P

    The music sounds very fun, too. What's programming you used for music?

    I thought it would be funny to make the health pick-ups chocolate icecream bars, so Beta turned the life-bar into a giant one. When you get hurt, a bite is taken from it :P

    The green bar is your stamina. You can tap jump while falling to flap your wings and get a boost, or hold up to 'float'. It's pretty ugly though; I'll probably change it to 3 feathers or something.

    The music was made in FL Studio with Tri-Force and Bit Box.

  • Competition is good. But what it means 'Reclamation'? I see in translator and it give me a many variants of translation it word. Can you tell me about it and show examples of this type of games.

    It basically means to get something back. Imagine a game where a bunch of treasure was stolen. You then go on a quest to find the thief and reclaim the treasure.

  • Got a ton of errors while trying to open the capx.

    Anyway, you should set Megaman's angle to 0 to face right (and not mirrored) and 180 to face left (and mirrored). You can then set the bullet's angle of motion to megaman.angle when fired. No need for multiple bullet objects!

  • Seems some animation frames for one of my objects got corrupted or something and were removed. All I had to do was click "Retry" which let me bypass the errors and replace the animation frames.

    One of the errors referred to a possibly corrupted .png used by 'bird', which was the affected object. Keep that in mind if this ever happens to you!

    Thanks again to Ashley for figuring this out.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Ok I can do that. Thanks!

  • New screenshot (changed the resolution) and a tune I made for the first level :)

    <img src="" border="0">

    Level_1 Music

  • Dunno exactly how much info you need, so here's exactly what I did a few minutes before the error started appearing.

    I had just started on the winter level ("Level_4" layout name). I had copied over some essential objects from Level_1. I then added a level image from Tiled. For some odd reason its size made C2 distort the image in the preview, so I deleted it, resized the image, then added it again. I then went to add the music (Level_1_Intro , Level_1_Main) but discovered I already did that, so I deleted the duplicates. I then added the events to play & loop the music at the start of the layout, then went to preview.

    It was at this time I got an error and the preview wouldn't load. I think I just lost my internet connection so I shrugged it off, saved my project, and closed C2. When I went to open it later I got the error I posted above and now the game won't load.

    Sending you the .capx now. Thanks for looking into it!

  • Yeah that would be pretty nice. I don't see why only certain behaviors can be activated/deactivated. On top of that, you can only change certain behavior properties via events, instead of all the ones you'll find when editing the behavior in the layout editor :T I want to say they're just unfinished but this is how it was in CC as well so eh.

  • Was working on my game, went to preview, got an error. I didn't mind it and just restarted C2. Now I can't load my game. I get the following error and then C2 crashes.


    Construct 2 Check failure


    Check failure! This is probably a bug:

    Cannot find project file for animation frame

    Condition: FileExists(GetProjectPath().c_str())

    File: Projects\AnimationFrame.cpp

    Line: 188

    Function: void __cdecl AnimationFrame::Load(const class std::basic_string<wchar_t,struct std::char_traits<wchar_t>,class std::allocator<wchar_t> > &)

    Build: release 69 (64-bit) checked

    Component: Construct 2 IDE

    (Last Win32 error: 3)

    You are using a 'checked' release of Construct 2, intended for testing, which causes certain errors to be reported this way. Hit Ctrl+C to copy this messagebox - it's useful information for the developers, so please include it with any bug reports! Click 'Abort' to quit (unsaved data will be lost!),'Retry' to turn off messages for this session and continue, or 'Ignore' to continue normally.


    Abort   Retry   Ignore   


    Please help! I can PM the .capx if necessary.

    Also, if I click retry or ignore then C2 doesn't crash, but I get like 3 other errors. 1 refers to a possibly corrupted .png used in one of my background objects. I didn't understand the others.

    I have a previous version I can restore but it's about 3 days old. There's quite a bit missing. (I should start working slower :P) Also there's no guarantee I won't end up getting the same error a while after restoring it, right?

  • Due to the inability to create my own level editor at this time, I've resorted to using Tiled and exporting the levels as large images. I then place collision tiles and such in C2's layout editor.

    My question is, what's the max image size I should be going for? I don't have any old computers or cheap laptops to test these out on, so I'm kind of in the dark here. I'm just worried they will cause some performance issues.

    My largest level image as of yet is 4096x224, but I plan to make some larger ones. What do you think is a reasonable limit?

  • Could you please add the ability to activate/deactivate the platform behavior?

    Since there are no families yet, I've been making all of my enemies out of a single object. It's working well so far, but being unable to deactivate the platform behavior for non-platform enemies is causing some trouble.

    Also, there was talk of a "jump-through platform" behavior a little while ago. Any idea if that will make it into the next build? I've made my own jump-through platforms by deactivating/activating solids depending on the player's position, but this won't work with platform enemies.