[r70] "Is On Floor" doesn't work with Jump-Thru

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  • First, thanks for adding the jump-thru attribute!

    Seems the platform behavior condition "Is On Floor" doesn't work with it though..Unless I'm missing something?

    I edited the example .cap so you can check it out. Download here

  • Bump. I just started implementing the jump-thru attribute into my project and weird stuff was happening... Turns out this is why. <img src="smileys/smiley5.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> Hoping for a quick fix soon, I kinda have to have this game (demo) ready by Tuesday...

  • Will try to get fixed for the next build!

  • I think you can fix this quite easily yourself for now by editing the runtime.js of the platform behavior a little.

    Find the part where it says the following:

         cnds.IsOnFloor = function ()


              // Must be overlapping solid in current position

              if (!this.runtime.testOverlapSolid(this.inst))

                   return false;

    and change it to:

         cnds.IsOnFloor = function ()


              // Must be overlapping solid in current position

              if (!this.runtime.testOverlapSolid(this.inst) <font color=green>&& !this.runtime.testOverlapJumpThru(this.inst)</font>)

                   return false;

    The added part is green.

    Tried it in my project and it seems to work fine. I'm not an expert though, so use at your own risk and save a copy of the original runtime.js if you want to try it.

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  • Thanks Ash!

    Thanks for your suggestion too, PixelRebirth. This works pretty well but the player now thinks he's on the floor when overlapping the platform at any point, not just on the top.

    Like if I'm jumping/falling and overlapping the platform at any point, the running animation will be played instead.

    It's close but I think there needs to be another bit of code added somewhere!

  • hanks for your suggestion too, PixelRebirth. This works pretty well but the player now thinks he's on the floor when overlapping the platform at any point, not just on the top.

    Ah, I figured it might be a glitchy fix. Didn't notice this myself because of my animation events. I changed a few things around and I see what you mean. Too bad, hehe.

    Looking forward to seeing this fixed for the next build.

  • OK, this should be fixed in the next build now.

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