Tokinsom's Forum Posts

  • These examples are great. Thanks a lot!

  • Hey guys. Would anyone here be able to teach me a thing or two about putting "chains" inbetween 2 separate objects?

    Here's an example I whipped up..but it kinda sucks.

    <img src="">

    At the top, the 2 objects are idle and the chain links are stacked inbetween them. At the bottom, the 2 objects have separated and you can see the chain links inbetween them.

    I've seen tons of games do this, but I've never found any examples on how it's done. I'll try to find a video to further demonstrate what I'm going for. Thanks for any help!

    EDIT: Ok found a video showing this off perfectly. Make sure to skip to 2:45

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    You can see the "chain links" (those spikey balls in this case) that connect the boss to the background wall. How do they do that?! Thanks.

  • I'm using "Play music from resource" under Xaudio 2's music tab. I think the pause is due to the filesize, since the song is a .wav file, but I could be wrong. I normally use ogg but it seems ogg only works for sounds.

  • I've run into a few problems while adding music & sounds to my game..All of the audio consists of wav files. I've never messed with separate channels so I just use "Auto play resource" and "Play music from resource".

    Anyway, to the problems. Every time I play a new song the game pauses for a bit. Not only that but when this pause happens my player falls through certain platforms. How can I get rid of this pause?

    Also, even though I add "Trigger once" to the condition that plays a new song, the event will sometimes trigger twice and have 2 of the same song play at once.

    Besides that, is there any way stop a sound while it's playing?


  • I can't seem to get add/remove attribute to work..are there any known bugs with it?

    Basically I want my player (using platform behavior) to either be able, or not be able to collide with certain objects depending on conditions. Is there another way of doing this besides removing attribute or changing collisions to none?

  • These have probably been brought up already but here goes.

    • Improved animator. Someone posted some illustrations of a new animator they had in mind. Yeah it looked a lot like MMF's but who cares; Construct and MMF are already very similar, what's the big deal?
    • Universal Gamepad support
    • Window resizing without interpolation
    • Better sound/music management
    • (Optional?) Tile-based level editor. I would love you guys for this. I've considered switching to GM solely for it's level editor.


    -The ability to lock and unlock single objects in the layout editor

    -Some way to cache objects to keep layout editors clean and simple, aside from throwing objects in another frame and making them global.

  • I was wondering if anyone here would be able to give me a hand with making a Metroid/Castlevania style sub-screen map. I've been wondering how to do this for the longest time, and I need to figure it out for my latest game - Minitroid.

    I'm assuming most of you guys know how these maps work. If not, well..Instead of having multiple levels like a Mario game, you have giant areas composed of multiple rooms. When you open the sub-screen (pause menu) you get a map of the entire area that looks just like this:

    The map shows your current position, along with item locations, boss locations, etc.

    At first the map is "blank" and you can only see the rooms that you have already been to, but you can find these map station things that reveal the rest of the map. If the map is really big then you can scroll around to see the rest of it.

    Aside from that, most Metroid games have a "mini-map" in the top right corner that you can see when the sub-screen is not open. It conveniently shows your current position on the map without having to open the sub-screen. You can see it here:

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    Any help is greatly appreciated! I have tried this over and over again and have gotten nowhere - and that was in MMF2, which I'm far more familiar with than Construct. I'll be glad to credit anyone who can lend me a hand.

  • I too would like to figure these out :T I've seen a bunch of workarounds and stuff posted around here but none of them work.

  • I'm seeing some awesome games here! Here's the latest Minitroid video

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  • Haha I love the mantis sword vid! Awesome work.

  • You just solved your problem right there. Under the "create object" action, make some "set value to _" actions. There are probably other ways but this seems to be working fine for me..doesn't just work with values either.

  • Works great, thanks!

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  • 1) Why does my event "Every 100 miliseconds - create smoke puff at missile" only create smoke puffs on one missile at a time? How can I get this to work for multiple missiles? I figure it should automatically..

    2) Is there anyway to stop flashing an object besides waiting for it's duration to end? Say I want to flash an object for a duration of 9999999 (because the point at where the object stops flashing varies) There seems to be no way to do this.

  • <img src="">

    A Mini Metroid Adventure (or Minitroid..whatdya think?) is my first major Construct project. I don't have a plot yet but it's pretty fun :3

  • I'm trying to make pushable blocks for my platformer but I've had no luck so far. Does anyone have any examples/tips on how to do this? Basically I need to be able to push the block left or right and have it fall over ledges. I'd like to use physics for this but I couldn't get anything decent with it :T Thanks for any help!