Tokinsom's Forum Posts

  • Very cool effect.

  • Yeah there a quite a few objects, but I often make one object multiple objects with the use of directions/animations.

    "Every single object has been scaled up 4x in the layout editor" is what I should have said. The sprites were so small that scrolling & movements were just awful. Making everything bigger seemed to be the only work around.

    I also make my levels in Tiled, then import them into Construct as separate images and scale up 4x (trying my best to stick to pow2 sizes)..I think the biggest level image I've added is only 45kb though.

  • Nah I've been using .wav files.

    I have resized a lot of objects in the layout editor, could that have something to do with it?

  • Just made an .exe of my very small game today and it's 67MB!!! I thought it was the sounds and music at first but altogether they are only 4MB.

    Any idea why it's so massive? Any way to shrink it down a bit (alot)? Thanks.

  • Off the top of my head O_o;

    +input that makes player dash is pressed

    -set value "dash" to (duration of dash in milliseconds)

    +value "dash" is greater than 0

    +player is facing said direction

    -set x component of motion to (speed of dash, - is left + is right)

    -subtract 1 from "dash"

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  • ... algorithms

    Linear interpolation is one thing, but if I'm not mistaken these are a little bit different.

    I first discovered these in emulators such as ZSNES. They can make pixelly 8-bit graphics look very smooth; like something that might be used in a Flash game.

    Is there any way these could be used in Construct?

  • Is the built in collision mask feature even meant to be used on things such as your player, or enemies? I applied it to one of my enemies (manually in each frame.. as "copy collision mask to other frames" or w/e just deletes all collision masks) and it brought my FPS down to 40..

    If it is meant to be used on things like enemies, what's the "proper" way to set it up? I imagine if the hotspot for the collision mask is to the far left in one frame, and the far right in another, then the object should get stuck in the wall. However, it doesn' I'm really confused on how it works.

  • Congrats :3

  • So when your player dies you're trying to delay a little bit of time then fade the screen out or restart the level ?

    Yessir. I figured my above method was simple and effective enough, but I guess not D:

  • Well basically, when my player dies, a value is constantly added to. When that value reaches certain numbers, things the screen fading to black or going to a different layout.

    It works fine when I use V-Synced Mode, but everything happens waaaay too fast when I use Unlimited Mode. I read that if something like this happens (anything running too fast when you use Unlimited mode) then Time Delta should be applied..otherwise you'll have some problems on certain computers..but I guess this situation is different?

  • So I just learned about Time Delta the other day, and good thing too. I'm having some problems with it though D:

    Basically, I've got some code that works like this:

    "Every 100 milliseconds - Add 1 to Value"

    "If value is 50 - Do this"

    "If value is 100 - Do this"

    "If value is 150 - Do this"

    and so on.

    How do I apply Time Delta to this code? I've tried, but certain things still aren't working right when I run the game using Unlimited FPS. Also, unless I misunderstood, Time Delta varies. This means the value will never actually be exactly 50,100, or 150, right?

  • WOW.

    So umm.. turns out she had put some sort of video settings as low as they will go, which totally ruined the graphics. After setting them all to the highest setting, everything worked just fine.

    Blaaah. Atleast it's fixed

  • > Also, I read having giant images can cause problems so I chopped up the tiles image to 1024x320 rectangles, but that didn't seem to do anything :T


    The computer will treat that as a 1024x1024 texture. It would be even better, if you cut it to 512x320.

    Thanks for the advice. Any chance that might be what's distorting the image?

    What computer is he running? Any idea on video hardware etc?

    Specs are right HERE

  • All I know is her computer "is like..BRAND new".

    I should mention those aren't actually separate tiles, it's just a 1024x320 image. All of the graphics, including this image, have been scaled up 4x so I can use pixelly sprites but still have smooth movements. Also, I read having giant images can cause problems so I chopped up the tiles image to 1024x320 rectangles, but that didn't seem to do anything :T

  • <img src="">

    So this is how my game looks on my computer ^

    <img src="">

    and this is how it looks on my friend's computer ^

    This is bad Does anyone know what's causing the tiles to get all distorted like that?