Tokinsom's Forum Posts

  • Always- Set Enemy.X to Enemy.value('X')
            Set Enemy.Y to Enemy.value('Y')
    Enemy.X is lower than Player.x - Subtract 0.03 from Enemy.value('X')
    Enemy.X is greater than Player.x - Add 0.03 to Enemy.value('X')
    Same goes for Enemy.Y[/code:39ksxogh]
    How would I recreate this movement using timedelta? I've applied time delta to it in every way I know how but it just doesn't work right.
  • I'd love to make a level editor. Not only to save on VRAM, but to speed up the level building process, and have friends and fans build their own levels too. Unfortunately, as far as I'm concerned, level editors can get really complicated and time consuming Maybe next time lol.

    Well that's quite reassuring

    I've added a lot to my map and realized it might not take up as much VRAM as I thought, especially when using some of the techniques mentioned here. Shouldn't be too difficult to stay under 100mb now.

    Thanks for all the info everyone.

  • I think what you're trying to do is..

    (Sprite 1) collides with (Sprite 2) - Go to a layout

    Sorry if I'm wrong but I'm having a difficult time understanding your post.. I'm sure if you have a look at the event editor you can figure it out. Otherwise, yeah check out the tutorials.

  • I'd like to STRESS that 2D games in general are NOT made out of a single huge picture, as 3D games are not a single hulking 3D model.

    Please. Research.

    Er. Yeah, but when you've got 200+ tiles, a massive interconnecting world, and a drag and drop level editor, you tend to use other programs to build your areas - then import them as images

  • Ah so it's only to prevent padding..Well damn, I guess I'll have to stick to ROJOhound's VRAM memory management technique. I fear my finished map will easily be over 100mb

  • So I've been reading that instead of importing giant images for a level, you should cut them into small pow 2 size pieces and put them together - to save VRAM.

    Well I used Construct's "Import Tiles" to cut up a giant image into small 256x256 frames, then copy/pasted it and used the "Start Frame" feature to select which pieces to use.

    I thought this would save me a ton of VRAM, but it's exactly the same as importing the whole image as one piece.

    Have I misinterpreted this technique?

  • Can you please fix add/remove attribute? It's an extremely useful feature that hasn't worked for a long time.

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  • A lot of people have asked for it. It just gets shot down everytime so I think they quit after a while XD

    But anyway. Yes, I imagine the new input plugin is more than enough for universal gamepad support and configuration. Haven't tried it myself yet, but judging by the examples it's very promising.

  • You could use the sinewave behavior instead, and in the dropdown menu change vertical to opacity.

  • Can't this be done with loops or events that already exist?

  • Hey, Linkman. Is there an equivalent to "force grid area?" That was a very useful feature.

  • Best plugin ever. EVER. Thanks man!

  • You could try increasing the X and Y speed of the plasma. Can't really say without seeing what you're going for, though

  • So I've been making games for a long time but only recently have I come close to completing one. With that came something I'm not too familiar with - Save data.

    Back when I used MMF, arrays were the answer. Seemed simple enough. Collect item, set x,y on the array to a value, then save and load as needed. So I did that, and It worked like a charm..for the first 20 some things I wanted to record. Now it's getting cumbersome. My game has items, item locations, player location, area names, player stats, bosses killed/remaining, and a few other things that all need to be recorded. All of which I must memorize or write down the cell coordinates to.

    It's practical considering the small scale of my game, but what happens when I want to make an RPG or something? The amount of data that must be saved for a game like that is just too much to manually code, especially when each cell is referred to as x,y,z.

    I suppose INI files would make this a bit easier..but it's essentially the same thing, am I wrong? Also, unless you find a way to encrypt the INI file anyone can open it up and change what they will, provided the group or w/e is already there.

    I would just use the built in Save function, but then I feel limited by using it, and it messes with some of the plugins I use.

    So yeah. Your thoughts? How do you save your games?

  • This would be convenient, but in the meantime..

    Give the object a value called "X_Speed" or "Y_Speed" or something, always set it to the platform behavior's X or Y component of motion, and compare.