Tokinsom's Forum Posts

  • I think 50+random(50) will do it. I could be wrong though.

  • Wow. I didn't think it would be so simple XD Thanks man.

  • A while back I suggested a "wall tracking" behavior that allows an object to rotate and move along walls,ceilings,floors, etc. like geemers do in Metroid.

    Instead of that being made, I was told this can be done with the custom movement. Unfortunately I have no idea where to begin.. I've managed to pull this off using ball movement and detectors, but it's really sloppy. I'd really like to figure out how to do this without detectors.

    Anyone willing to make an example of this, or atleast explain how I would go about it using the custom movement behavior? Thanks.

  • Thank you good sir.

  • Is it possible to have parallaxing backgrounds in a Metroidvania style map such as this?

    If I place all of the backgrounds and set the background layer's scroll rates to 50, the backgrounds are highly offset and often go off screen. I tried offsetting the backgrounds in the layout editor but that didn't help. I also tried creating backgrounds individually as you enter each room, but that didn't help either.

    If each room was a separate layout then this might not be a problem..but I'm using a single layout and MagiCam so.

    Any ideas?

  • Well, it worked, but that's not quite what I'm looking for, because it makes the sprites themselves blurrier on upscale.

    Eh, I think I read that has something to do with your graphics card..It's not blurry for me. If it's blurry for some and not others then I think I'm gonna need a new way of doing this as well. $#&%.

  • There are a few ways, but this has worked best for me.

  • That's probably just the linear sampling. Go to Properties>Sampling and select Point.

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  • 1. Does having multiple layers affect performance at all? I remember it did in MMF, but was that only because each layer handled collisions?

    2. Is there a "proper" way to check if 0 instances of an object exist? If I use (System>Compare>Object>Get # of objects) I get the following error when debugging:

    Debugger first-time message:
    Expression 'Count': no 'Object' objects exist: returning 0
    Event: 503
    Action: n/a[/code:24pzyobl]
    That's like saying the event can't be executed because the object doesn't exist..Well the event is there to see if the object doesn't exist..sooo. Sorry for asking about this again but if the debugger is showing me errors then I have to think I was misinformed. 
    3. Is there any way to get an object with the platform behavior to fall through small gaps in the floor? Unless I set the speed to 50 or something the platform object just glides right over them. I've resorted to placing detectors between the gaps that force the platform object through them, which works fine.. but this workaround seems a bit silly. 
    4. I'd like to add a sub-screen/pause menu to my game, but when I set timescale to 0 the screen goes black. I think it's because of a certain plugin I'm using but I haven't tested that yet. In MMF I would use a modal sub-app (modal layout in this case) but I hear the layout object is "very bugged"..Could someone elaborate on that? Not to be rude but this whole "just deactivate groups and stop animations" thing seems..obsolete? I can see that working for tiny games with few objects and behaviors, but not this. 
    Thanks for any help!
  • In your "set INI file to" action, change "magneto.ini" to apppath&"magneto.ini"

  • Pretty sure there's a good example of that here

    Haven't watched it in a while though.

  • Ahh that works perfectly. Thanks! Sorry if I was misunderstanding you guys earlier :T Hopefully this will be the last of my time delta questions!

  • Run it once, then switch to unlimited mode and run it again. You'll see how ridiculously fast the objects get.

    I mean I know what TimeDelta does, and I've used it successfully for many things. This however..blah. I have no idea what to do with it.

  • Thanks, but what I'm trying to do is recreate this movement so it's framerate independant. Using the above code makes the enemy extremely fast using unlimited framerate mode, regardless of how I add timedelta.

    It seems I need to scrap the above code and use a different custom that moves the enemy in a similar but framerate independant fashion..but I'm not sure how