The video below (nearly at the end of the video):
shows how the animation 'Fall' alternates with the animation "Idle' instantly without having any key pressed.
The player is a simple object with a platform behavior and the crate a simple solid object. I have not implemented events concerning the player control and his animations.
I don't know how to avoid this. Any idea?
I'm having this issue as well whenever my sprite (MegamanX) stops wallsliding or jumping at an intersection with two platforms or boxes the same thing happens, it alternates between jumping and standing sprites for some stupid reason. I guess it's because I'm using collision by pixel instead of bounding box or whatever... so that might be what's causing it with yours.
Not sure though, only been using the program for about a day and a half now, lol. Good luck.
Actually, just went in and did some tinkering, and pixel and bounding box do the same thing. It wasn't till I set Megaman's Collision to by "point" that the problem stopped. Try that, you might have to alter where your points are, but it should work.