Tokinsom's Forum Posts

  • I dropped Minitroid a while back. I had just switched to Construct when I started on it, and it ended up being a giant mess. It was a good learning experience though. We might bring it back some time, but probably in C2 and with original characters and such. I think I'm done with fan-games.

    To my knowledge the Construct version of Talbot's Odyssey was canceled, and they started remaking it in C++.

  • What kind of event are you using to play the sound? I've been using nothing but chrome for C2 and the sound is just fine. Sometimes the first sound played in a layout is 'cut' at the beginning, but that's all.

  • Cool cool. Also, there's really no need to use "Is group active" inside of the group. Events in the group are executed as soon as the group is activated, so 'trigger once' or even a blank event will work.

  • Can you post a .capx? I did this and it worked..

    +Start Of Layout

    -Activate Group


    Group (Deactivated at start)


    +Group is activated

    • Set text to "Group is activated"
  • They simply organize events and allow activation/deactivation of said events.

    Think of sub-events. If an event's conditions are true, then the sub-events are executed. Same thing happens here except true & false are activated & deactivated.

    If you want to execute an event when the group is active, try "Is group active" under system conditions.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Well yeah. If blue consists of numerous objects and you create blue, how do you expect Construct to know which one you want? I'm surprised it even allows you to do that.

    Anyway, just give the object with the value of 1 another value that tells it which 'blue' to create.

    If blue's value=1 and the other value=Object 1 then create a specific object.

  • I'm not arguing that this needs to be top-priority. Sorry if it seemed that way. I would actually prefer you wait a good while before working on some tile-based features, as C2 is still young and there are indeed more important things (families, containers, plugins, what have you.) Not having these is more troublesome than not having a tile-based editor. Like Kyatric said, it IS currently possible to make tile-based levels, but it's a major pain.

    Some of the earlier posts just left me under the impression that the whole idea was dropped and the best we were going to get was the "import sprite strip" feature. It is a very nice feature by the way..just not the most practical for tilesets.

    Being able to create your own tile-based editor is nice, but I have no clue how it's even possible in C2. On top of that it's an incredibly large amount of work, and you have to constantly add to it for each one of your games. Objects, backgrounds, tiles, triggers, you name it. This all has to be managed and accounted for with EVENTS. It sucks! Just having a drag 'n drop AND tile-based editor built in would be amazing, and could be used for every kind of game. Almost every game out there uses tiles. They just do. Having a game creation tool without tile support just doesn't make sense.

  • C2 can import tilemaps, you can enable snapping to a grid in the layout view, and the sprite's new 'initial frame' property lets you switch between different tiles. That should get you quite far with tile based games.

    I hate to be the one to say it but no, no it won't. Not even close.

    Being able to import spritesheets, change animation frames, and place objects with a snap-to grid is one thing. A tile-based level editor (or the aforementioned tilemap features) is completely different.

    This is the exact same thing you could do in CC, and if it worked people wouldn't still be asking for tile-based level editor features.

    No one in their right mind would make tile-based levels this way. I've tried it for my game for the Fun Chowder competition, using a *tiny* 12x3-tile tileset, and I said screw it and started using Tiled since I can't import levels from my old level editor I made in CC. It's excruciating.

    I hate to be rude about it but you guys mentioned adding all of this tile-based level editor stuff a while back and now it seems to be shrugged off. These "Drag 'n Drop" level editors are just not good for anything other than single-screen or puzzle games.

    The ability to generate graphics for you.

    Yeah, um might want to try and keep it reasonable.

    If that was directed towards me then the features I mentioned were implemented in my level editor made in CC with events only, so I don't think they are that unreasonable. They were a bit 'specialized' though. Eh.

  • Righteous.

  • No, not yet. There is talk of C2 getting some tilemap features later on though, so this feature may be added then.

  • I've seen a few indie games with similar mechanics but I can't recall their names (I think one was just a 2D Mario Galaxy fangame) Yoshi's Island also did this, but only during the battle with Raphael the Raven.

  • Tokinsom attacks with "Fan Persuasion!"

    ...your turn Scirra

  • Sounds like your animations are conflicting..I think..kind of confused..You have 2 separate animations for walking and running, right?

    What if you make a variable called running, and when it's 0 set the animation to walking, and if it's 1 set the animation to running? You could also store the current walking frame in a variable, then set the running frame to that and resume to have the running animation pick up where the walking one left off.

    Or yes, just post a .cap ^^;

  • Much obliged :)

  • Oh cool. Thanks man!