Tokinsom's Forum Posts

  • Clever.

  • It seems C2 doesn't recognize zeropad(). Has it not been added yet? Is there a way to simulate zeropad() with just events?

  • I imagine some of this stuff just hasn't been implemented yet (as it's already in Construct Classic) but I thought I'd post it anyway.

    -The ability to tab through object properties and such. I prefer using the numpad on the right side of the keyboard here, so I constantly have to alternate between that and the mouse.

    -The ability to collapse sub-events

    -"Auto-finish/correct" expressions. If you type something like player.x and press enter, it will be changed to player.X first. You have to press enter again to close the window. I know, it's not a big deal, but it is kind of annoying sometimes when I'm working quickly! It would be cool if the expression is just 'corrected' automatically, like in this case, as soon as I type in x.

    -More hotkeys for the event sheet editor. Maybe s for a new sub-event, t for toggle, e for new event, c for comment? This one's kind of pushing it, but what about - or + plus hotkey to make a new event/condition/action above or below the currently selected one?

    -Hold left mouse click + use mouse wheel (or arrow key) to move a condition, action, or event up or down a slot.

    -Copy & Paste frames in the image editor.

    -More of a bug I think..Dragging an event under a different event that has sub-events doesn't work.

    Hm I thought I had more than this..might add to it later!

  • This is so badass, Lucid! Looking forward to the finished product.

  • Any chance badges will be awarded in this competition? :)

  • i know guys but you can?t draw just like that (i mean even if you have graphics gale , you can?t use it) can you guys post the program you use and how to use

    it . It would help me alot

    I use Graphics Gale...with a mouse and keyboard.

    (I seriously don't know what answers you were expecting aside from that lol)

    But yeah..wouldn't hurt to just check out the instruction manuals!

  • I'd just give each enemy a private variable that decides if you've grabbed it or not. When your projectile ring thing collides with the enemy, set the value to 1. When that value is 1, deactivate the enemy's behavior (or just create a new object and destroy the enemy) and position it to the top of your player. You can then have another value to tell the player if he's holding something or not, and change his animations.

    To throw an enemy or object just give it the ball behavior with gravity and, upon throwing, set it's x,y velocities.

    Sorry maybe not the best explanation but there isn't much to it!

  • Er..Graphics Gale, Photoshop, Gimp, MSPaint, you name it. Also, google much? There are hundreds of pixel art tutorials out there.

    Good luck soldier.

    edit: Btw the open topic forum is more suited for this kind of stuff o. o

  • The "Set Deceleration" action for the platform movement changes its acceleration, not the deceleration. "Set Acceleration" works correctly, though.


  • For particularly large sprites, it's probably not a bad idea to make 3D models first, then animate and paint over them. It's a lot of work but at least your characters will be anatomically correct, which can be difficult without reference.

    As for the animation itself, I dunno..I've always found it to be pretty easy to figure out how something should move. If you really have to, make a "skeleton" or wireframe of the character animation first, then draw over it. It will be easier to tweak that way.

    Another "trick" is to make your entire animation in a small amount of frames, and then add "tween frames" to smooth it out. I do that a lot, especially for walking animations.

    Mike Judge once said "If you're going to be an animator, you should probably take physics classes"...or something like that..It's really not a bad idea. Learning physics can teach you how things should move and interact in the real world. Crappy example, but think of a rubber ball. It doesn't just hit the ground and bounce, it flattens out as it comes into contact with the ground, then turns into a sort of oval and moves upwards. Only when it's back in the air does it go back to its normal shape. It will probably jiggle a bit afterwards, too. A good animator will take this into account, and probably exaggerate the shaping of the ball, and maybe even add some dust particles or lines/dashes to show the ball is moving at high speeds.


  • Hi I'm Matt and I develop games with my buddies Betatronic and Jerom-BD. I mostly program and design games but I occasionally do the music and art as well. My latest project was Minitroid but it really sucks and you shouldn't play it.

    Have a good day.

  • Auto Flip & Point Sampling don't appear to be working when using WebGL. Graphics are blurry and my player flips upside down, but oddly as if its hotspot was in the middle, not the bottom.

    Also, if the browser's zoom is greater than ~200 the page size seems to infinitely grow - scroll bars appear on the right and bottom of the page and get smaller and smaller. The page goes back to its normal size when zooming back out.

    There was also a black square in the middle of the screen but it disappeared. Assuming the border was misaligned.

    Also, sprite font freezes the game, but I think Mipey said he's looking into that.

    Using Chrome, latest version, GPU Accelerated Canvas 2D enabled.

  • This was also brought up in the other thread but I guess I'll post again since you have a .cap that can demonstrate this..

    If you change one of the moving platform's sinewave behavior to horizontal you'll notice some other problems as well.

    1) If you're being pushed to the left you will have a hard time jumping (I guess you get stuck in the platform a bit)

    2) If you're being pushed to the right, your player will 'hop'. If you hold left while being pushed to the right, the player sometimes 'climbs' over the platform.

    This has nothing to do with the collision mask on the sprite - the same thing happens in my game with a rectangular collision mask. Also, this happens with any moving platform, not just ones using the sinewave behavior.

  • This didn't happen in CC though :< I understand they're different engines but the current one does seem a little wonky.

    It also doesn't work very well with moving platforms; the player's Y position doesn't keep up vertical ones, and if you move against a horizontal one the player moves upwards and sometimes ends up on the top of the platform.

    Also the "push-out" mechanic seems to only work to some extent. If the player gets smashed by a moving platform and he's near the edge, he'll be pushed out, but if he's near the middle of the platform he'll get stuck. Not a big deal, really, but I thought I should mention it.

    Can atleast the moving platform problems be looked into?

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  • <img src="" border="0" />

    WIP screenshot of my entry for the primary competition, blown up 2x. Graphics by Betatronic and Jerom-BD. Doubt we can finish it in a month but we'll try!