Tokinsom's Forum Posts

  • Platform Behavior + Logic = GOOMBA

    example .cap:


    When using the platform behavior for enemies and such, make sure to ignore input when it's created.

    If you want it to turn around at certain points, you'll have to make detectors. If you want it to turn around when it's about to walk off a ledge, you can use collision offset.

  • Thanks guys. Little red dot detector set at the player base's position & angle works pretty well though :)

    <img src="" border="0" />

    +Detector doesn't overlap solid

    +bunch of other stuff


  • Oh wow. I always thought collision offset determined a single point relative to the boundaries of an object.

    Such as..



    thus collision offset at 2,0=single point at 110

    Well thanks for clearing that up. I'll just go ahead and use a detector.

  • Imagine NES Megaman's slide. He can slide underneath obstacles that are otherwise too small to walk under.

    If you're against a wall and try to slide, it won't work. However, if you're against a wall and there's a small gap at the bottom, it will work.

    How would I use collision offset to check if my player is against a wall with a small gap at the bottom? (16x8 gap in this case)

    I figured

    +Player Is NOT overlapping solid at offset 1,-4

    +Angle is 0

    -Allow slide.

    would detect open space 1 pixel to the right of the player, and 4 pixels up..but it doesn't! It keeps him from sliding against normal walls, which is good, but it's not detecting gaps and allowing you to slide like I thought it would.

    Normally I'd use a detector for this sort of thing but I'd like not to.

    Any idea what I'm doing wrong?

  • Yeah, it does.

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  • Qarp is my new best friend. Nice example!

    Any chance you could share how you got the dots to be positioned between the start/end points? Are they constantly spawning and being set on a path, or is there a fixed amount and some magic event to position them properly?

  • Set the object's x and y positions every tick to..



    Where n is the speed at which the object moves towards the mouse.

    You might also be able to use "move at angle".

    Also I'm not sure if C2 has lerp yet...probably does..

  • Say I want a tower defense template, so I pay $10 and get the template. Now I want to make some changes because, being a generic template, it's not exactly what I need. Since I didn't code it, and it can be assumed I don't know how to code it since I had to buy it, will the developer provide the kind of support I need to add features, change logic, etc?

    I guess this is where quality assurance comes in. I think if you release a template, like a space shooter or something, then it should be modular and heavily commented so you shouldn't even need to ask the creator about it. Have it cover horizontal AND vertical shmups, give it a bunch of enemies with different AI, include numerous weapons and explain in detail how each one was made and how to adjust them, etc.

    The whole point of this template is to provide a good base to get started and build on, but most of all get you to a point where you understand how x type of game works so you are capable of doing your own thing with it. If it can't do that then it should be rejected..or something. A rating system would be nice.

    Hm..that sounds more like an in-depth tutorial than a template. I guess there's a pretty fine line between the two. Blah.

  • The new "Postalot" badges are a bad idea; people will be inclined to make numerous, mindless posts just to get them. Go check out the 'your creations' forum..

  • I support this only because I've been wanting to make a number of large tutorials and example files but don't feel like it's worth it. It's taken a long time and a lot of work to learn some of this stuff, so just posting it for others to take and use at no cost doesn't seem fair. That and, well, it seems like a decent way to bring in a few bucks (Scirra too if Spades' idea is considered.)

    Then again, yes, some people will probably take all of these 'templates', slap them together, and start an onslaught of crappy copy/paste games. That seems like the only (yet major) drawback to me.

    I worked for Stencyl..I think..

  • Yyyyeah I was afraid that would happen with delta time. Thinking of a better way to do this..

    edit: Wow, how embarrassing. I dunno man XD Delta time makes stuff like this way more complicated than it should be.

    All I can think of is making an invisible 'base' that moves to the final location as soon as you press a key, then have the player move to it (and deactivate controls until it meets its destination). I tried doing it with just values, kinda like you mentioned earlier, but I couldn't get it to work; kept getting floating point values so it never properly met the destination. Using int() didn't help either.

  • This can probably be done with less events/values but here ya go.

    Er..think this is what you were talking about atleast ^^; Not sure what you want for the scrolling..sounds like a simple "Always set scrollx,y to player.x,y"

    For continuous movement just replace "on key pressed" to "on key is down"

  • You're 23409712490 times better off just making your own level editor, to keep levels external. That way you can have all of them in a single layout; no lag.

  • Well yes, I suppose you should..but good luck even getting their attention.

    I'm not trying to say crediting the rightful owners and such makes it legal, but it's definitely something you'll want to do.

  • If you aren't selling the game, aren't claiming ownership of the characters, etc., and crediting the rightful owners, then I don't see the problem. There are thousands of fan-games out there. Sure, some (like, 3) have been shut down, but only because the rightful owners saw them as a threat, or they were profiting from their work.