Tokinsom's Forum Posts

  • That would do for gradually changing colors, but the 'blending' is a whole other monster. You could always take 2 transparent objects and overlap them, making a new color..that's probably not the most elegant solution though :)

  • RGB(r,g,b)

  • You can use distance(player.x,player.y,enemy.x,enemy.y) to get the distance between your player and the enemy.

  • Awesome.

    Couldn't really get a good picture of here's a video.

    <img src="" border="0" />

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  • I wouldn't say they're graphically inferior; they're completely different types of graphics.

    And yes.



  • Thanks for the input. Come to think of it I had ~3800 objects and 60fps before the 'portal rendering', and there's only ~400 now in the largest room so far, so I guess it'll be fine. I'm just worried about the game's performance on older computers, so I've been doing everything I can regarding optimization. Maybe I've gone a bit overboard ^^;

  • My levels consist of multiple rooms, and are loaded from an array. I've managed to program a sort of 'portal rendering' where the whole map is loaded at each room transition, but everything outside of the current room is destroyed.

    There's still ~300 tiles per room, plus ~100 collision tiles, so I've been thinking at each room transition I should create a canvas the size of the room and paste the tiles to it, then delete the tiles.

    My questions are..

    1) Is it worth it? I'm basically replacing ~300 16x16 tiled background objects for a single, large image with an average size of 1024x224 or vice I'd say it's worth it..I tend to stay away from giant images though, and as far as VRAM is concerned it could pad out to 1024x1024 or larger, right?

    2) Should I also paste the collision tiles to another canvas? It's either ~100 sprite objects each with their own collisions, or a massive collision mask that is the canvas.

    tl;dr... Which is better? Hundreds of little objects, or a handful of massive objects?

  • If I had to pick one I guess it'd be sub-events. They go a long way.

    If I hadn't made my own level editor it would be the ability to change duplicate's properties without affecting the rest.

    Built-in collision masks are pretty nice too.

    edit: Oh, C2..Well I think the above features have already been added so whatever.

  • Don't know why I didn't try that earlier -w-; But yeah it works. Thanks!

  • The following "expression" is how you retrieve a file from a folder inside your game's folder:

    AppPath & "GameFolder2\File.blah"

    Well, what if the file you want to load is a variable? If you change the above to:

    AppPath & "GameFolder2\global('file')"

    then everything in the quotation marks is just turned into a string, even if the global value ends with the proper extension.

    The only way I know how to get around this is to use sub events that compare the global value and then load the appropriate file, but if I have a lot of files to load then that could get tedious. Do I have a choice?

  • No, I know about that, but this spritesheet is very unorganized and it would take a really long time to do that!

    Of course I could always re-organize the sheet but..I'm lazy and just wanted to play around with C2 a bit because I'm burnt out on my current project ^^;

  • I think tools in the image editor is 500x more important than families right now O_o;

    Sitting around, bored, I decided to make a single-level Super Mario game to mess around with C2...then I realized these giant spritesheets are useless.

    What good are families and practically everything else on the poll if you can't even cut up sprite sheets yet?

  • Minecraft music and the like :) It's very calming and doesn't distract me while I work. Also, coffee. Redbull makes me work so fast I don't even know what the hell I'm doing.

  • Any more suggestions? Critics?

    I think it would be a lot easier to change directions by holding Z instead of X. Basically you'd have to let go of Z while jumping, then press it again + a direction to switch. Maybe the current setup would be easier with a controller..I just found it to be difficult.

    My only other complaint is the collision mask for the player seems too big.

    1)If you try switching gravity to upwards while standing almost an entire tile away from a red block to your left or right, the gravity switch will be canceled as if you touched it. Is there some 'bubble' I'm not aware of that cancels the gravity switch if you're near red blocks?

    2)There was a part in (I think it was level 3, at the top left) where you had to jump over red blocks and land on the normal blocks in-between them. I found this to be extremely difficult as you have to land precisely in the center of the normal block or else you'll fall. Maybe ground-pounding or w/e would have helped there..

    Aside from that this game is beautiful and has a lot of potential :) I'm anxious to see the level editor!